All I want for Christmas is you: A Lucas X Reader- Fluff

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In the P.O.V. of You

It was a drab day. I was at Target with my (guardian title(s)) for some last minute Christmas shopping. Everyone was in a bad mood because they rushed around like headless chickens, in search of sales and the gifts they desire for the ones they care about. It's like they had forgotten the entire motive of them going, they were going for someone else but they were so crude!

That was until a small blonde boy stood on a small platform and began to sing, "Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we've got no place to go,
let It snow, let It snow, let It snow."

He sang shyly and the chaos subsided as they listened to him, but the shoppers started to whisper among themselves. I don't know what quite got into me, but I stood up and sang along, "It doesn't show signs of stopping,
and I've bought some corn for popping.
The lights are turned way down low,
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"

The boy smiled at me and before I knew it, our small duet led to Christmas caroling with the entire store.

"When we finally kiss good night, how I'll hate going out in the storm.
But if you'll really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm. The fire is slowly dying,
And my dear we're still goodbying. But as long as you love me so,
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."

The crowd clapped and I shyly waved in thanks. The boy smiled at me, "h-hey, you're good!"

That made me smile, blushing a bit in embarrassment, "thank you! You too, um, could I know your name?" I asked him.

"O-oh, my name is L-Lucas! Wh-what's your name?" He timidly asked me.

"Oh! My names-" I tried to answer just before a man yelled.

"Lucas let's go! Fuel and Lighter are waiting!"

Lucas sighed with a frown, "Sorry. I gotta go. M-Maybe we'll meet again!" He smiled a bit and caught up with the man, assumingly his father.

I sighed as I walked back to my (guardian title(s)). I briefly looked back to the boy just before leaving, "See ya Lucas." I whispered.


The boy hasn't left my mind since Target. Lucas was just too cute! He was a really good singer too. Why am I feeling this way? I just met the boy and all we did was sing a simple Christmas Carol. Besides, the odds of meeting him again are scarce.

I then got a call from my friend, I picked it up, "hello?"

"Hey (your name)!" I saw you at target! That was amazing! You're so good!!" They cheered into the phone.

"Thanks (your friend's name)! It took a lot to do that and you know it!"

They laughed, "yeah. That boy was cute too, right?"

I blushed and responded a bit timid, "yeah, I guess so."

"Aw you like him!"

I blushed even more at the comment, "no, no! I'm just saying-" I stopped myself and sighed, "the chances of even seeing him again isn't even that great." I responded sadly.

"Well if they went to that target it means they are staying somewhere close right?" They assured.

"True... So what should we do? Knock on every door until we find him? That's real creepy."

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