Welcome Home Part 2

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We were on our way home from LAX after a long flight from Thailand where we had our second honeymoon. Everything was going as planned, Michael had arrived to fetch us and we updated each other in the car. When Ty mentioned a name I'd thought I'd never hear again-King. My heart stood still and I was so confused at the point in time. This guy is dangerous for our "perfect" lives. He could ruin a lot...I decide to follow Ty's idea and sleep, maybe by tomorrow he'll be gone. As I finally dose, a loud bump wakes me up and a little hump under Michael's car. Chris was driving and he looked petrified.

We all panic and I volunteer to go investigate the matter. But the "men" feel they're are much stronger, suddenly Chris was screaming and Ty said I must call the ambulance, I rush out the car and check the matter and see a light skin girl, maybe in her teens laying half dead on the road. I dial the ambulance and then text Zee to meet us the hospital. We arrive and wait till the doctor emerges from the corridor and requests to ask a few questions.

Doc: Are you Essence Kings parents?

Chris: No, we are close friends with them

Tyga: We'll contact them now

Doc: Okay, I'll wait till everyone is here 

He walks off and I shoot Chris and Michael a death glare for lying...where the hell are we going to find her parents. Luckily Trey and Zee  with Quintin, he's so big now. Chris immediately starts crying. 

Trey: What happened?

Tyga: We hit some girl with a car on the road...or let me say Chris did. Lee and me don't know what happened, we were sleeping.

Quintin: Who's this girl? Where was she?

Doc: Well. now everyone is here...which one of you are Essence King's parents?

Trey: What! That's Essence King?

Lee: Yes...do you know her parents?

Quintin: This is all my fault!  * cries insanely*

Zee: Sweety, you couldn't have prevented it, please * Consoles*

Quintin: I kicked her out of the car and told her to walk the boulevard now she's going to die

Lee: Doc is she going to be fine? I mean how bad is it?

Doc: We are trying our best mam so who's the parent here?

Quintin: Her dad is Mr King...the man who was at Uncle Ray's showcase a few hours ago.

Lee: Oh no! Not King...kill me now

Trey: Chris how could you be so stupid.

With that Trey charges towards Chris and punches him. We tried to stop the fight but security had to intervene , this was too personal for Trey..why?

Lee: Trey, what's wrong with you...Chris feels bad enough already,

Trey: She's Trisha's niece, my stylist

Ty: Call her instead...we don't know this King guy anyway.

Trey dials Trisha and tells her what happened. A few minutes later she rushes in and talks to the doctor. I didn't look good for Essence, hence the car rode over her body. It's dead quiet in the waiting room and I feel an urge to speak

Lee: I have King's number...

Zee: What...why? I mean really Lee. That number is forbidden remember?

Trisha: No, don't call him,That bastard never cared for her. I'll call her mother Brandy.

Trisha dials her mom and she said she'll catch the first flight to L.A. I tell everyone that Chris , Ty and me are calling it a day, we haven't been at home. Trey looked sour. Chris steadily stood up and went to the car. I decided to drive and let the guys rest. Chris didn't need this right now, He just got off probation from THAT incident, now this...


Trey's POV

My mind is discombobulated. I just can't think straight. I'm so mad at Chris, I can't believe his negligence,what happened out there? I see a dark-skinned tall woman, running towards us. It's been six hours already and we are all drained. Quintin looks terrible too, the level of stupidity that boy has, how could he kick her out like that? Where was she supposed to go alone in the early hours of the morning?

Brandy: Where's my baby?

Zee: Brandy? Essence is your daughter?!

Brandy: Yes! okay...now where is she?

Trisha: I'll take you to the doctor...

Trey: This is too much for me...her mom is Brandy?

Tosha enters and greets Zee and Quintin. She blatantly ignores me

Tosha: Hey, is she okay? And yes I'm shocked you did't know that Trey, considering how close you are

Trey:  Oh lawwd...I don't need this now please.

Brandy enters crying hard and she wants to know what happened.  I tell her that Chris ran her over with Ty's car earlier in the morning. Brandy looked so hurt. Zee reassures her it was an accident but how long are we going to cover up for him? This is Essence damn it. 

Zee: Lee has King's number...you know just for in case...

Trisha: No! King can go to hell for all I care.

Brandy: No...We have to call him...after all he is her father. We'll leave the ball in his court.

Zee: Alright, I'll call Lee, but I agree with Trisha on this, but you're her mom

Trisha: I think you guys can go home. Quintin looks terrible,the poor boy blames himself

Trey: Good! Because he was the one who said she must walk home.!

Tosha: This is no time for personal vendettas Trey...Grow Up

Trey: Shut the fuck Up.!

Brandy: Guys please not now,my baby is half dead, it's my fault. I shouldn't have sent here.

Zee: There's no time for the blame game, Lee is calling King now. Trey, I think it's time for us to go home. Tiara and all. Quintin also needs o freshen up.

Trey: I'm not going anywhere! Take the keys and go home

Zee: But Tre-

Trey: Zee...go home

Tosha: You have a home Trey, a wife, a child and a nephew. They need you!

I decide to go home with Zee, I can't stand Tosha. She's such a bitch. I let Zee drive and take a nap. Quintin is just sitting like a zombie on the backseat.


King's POV

Last night was a success. A new business venture in L.A. A fresh new start with my son. But I can't keep Essence out of my mind because Adrian. I didn't know she was here. Since my argument with him did't end well, I think I should reach out to her...but she doesn't want me because of her mom.  I get a call from an unknown . I answer it

King: King Hello?

Lee: Hey, King it's me Lee.

King: Lee! woah, long time no see, how are you?

Lee: I'm good and you

King: Great. Now what good deed owed me this pleasure?

Lee: It's Essence...she ...

King: Essence! My daughter...what happened?

Lee: She got run over by a car in the early hours of the morning. She's in ICU. you need to get to the hospital, I'll text you the details. Bye!

King: :Lee! Wait?

I'm immediately out of breathe. My daughter is in hospital. I call Adrian, he's not going to takes this easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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