chapter 10

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Day after prom, school was finnished so I was having a lazy day on the sofa. I got up though to make some hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows with some caramel sauce. When I set back down I heard the doorbell go so I went to see who it was. It was joshes mum, she came to my house with Josh to pop in and say hi. My mum walked over and realised who joshes mum was and slammed the door. I quikly texted Josh to say I was sorry and he said that it was all right and that he would come back later. I sat down and talked to my mum and she said to me,

Mum- "Do you know who that is"

Me- "yes, joshes mum"

Mum- "no that's Ellen th women who distorted my life in high school"

Me- "how what did she do, she seems nice to me"

Mum- "well she isn't and I band you from going out with Josh, I band you from even talking to him"

Me- "but, but, mum that's not fair it was about 20 years ago since you were in high school and all that happened"

Mum- "I don't care and that's the end of it, good night."

I went to bed in disappointment and sadness.

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