He's Overprotective

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"Babe, let go" you whispered as Patrick tighten the grip on your hand. "I'm sorry, I just don't want you getting hurt" he said and held you closer to him. "Patrick, we're at the park, how could I get hurt?" You said with a chuckle. "You could trip and fall" he replied.

"Wanna go to the café with me?" Joe asked as he grabbed his sweater. You nodded your head 'no'. "You sure?" He asked again. You nodded no again. Joe grumbled. "You're going with me anyway" he then grabbed your hand and pulled you out the house (your shoes were on of course, you WERE dressed). "Babe, I said I didn't want to go" you mumbled as he walked you to the car. "I know.. I was just worried that's all" he mumbled. Your heart fluttered.

You and Andy were walking down the sidewalk hand in hand. Andy decided to go on a relaxing stroll with you to get your mind off of some things. You stopped and took a seat on a bench while Andy said he was going to the porta potty. "Hey there" a husky voice spoke from behind you. You turned and saw a man about your age with dark brown hair and green eyes. He jumped over the bench and sat next to you. "What's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone?" He said with a sly grin. "Oh um.. My boyfriend just left to do something, he'll be back soon" you said, oddly shifting in your seat. "Oh well, I could keep you some company if you like" he mumbled. You nodded, trying not to make eye contact with the young teen. "What's your name?" He asked suddenly. "None of your fucking business" you heard a familiar voice say. You turned and saw Andy. "Now, either, you leave her alone, or I will make sure you'll never walk again" Andy threatened. The boy scoffed and walked away. "Andy he wasn't doing any-"
"I don't care, your mine and I don't share"

He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close as some guys were staring at you. "Stay close to me Y\N" Pete mumbles. You nodded and pulled yourself closer to him. "Hey pretty lady" a big man with several tattoos said. "Hey, back off she's mine" Pete said as the man scoffed. "And what are you gonna go about it? Little Man" the man said. Something inside Pete snapped. He walked up to the man and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him out almost instantly. Pete then dragged you out of the club, and back home where he cuddled you to sleep.

edit; 12 year old me thought this was good
12 year old me was wrong

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