times like this runs up my wrist

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"Raven you need to get ready for your appointment with your phscoligist." That was my mother she is nice,but she has a very abusing side. Well when she is a drunk. I will talk to you more about this later. We arrive at the center for my appointment,and mom gives me that look like I am guilty like I had committed a crime. This is a start meaning I'm about to have a little meeting with mom. "Hello Mrs.calpson is there an appointment for your child that Dr.samnon had scheduled". She says in a boo boo way. Oh by the way her name is Mrs.caloway I love her, but my mom doesn't. My mom replies in a sarcastic but annoyed way like Mrs.calloway approached her rudly."yes. My child raven has an appointment with Dr.samnon what room is he in"?, But mom knows she can't just hurry this process up by taking me to his room without signing in."please sign this document before you leave with this beautiful angel. I knew mom was about to get into it with her but she knew if I was to get kicked out of the center, she would have to drag me along with to do her so called errands God she would hate that.

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