His Butler

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The party ends and sweet mother takes all of the dead, including Vincent. As the set up crew start to take down after all guests have left a single demon pops up from under a table. Charles smiles widely.
"Holy-" Mei rin laughs.
"Dad?! I thought you left with Sweet mother," Grell says confused.
"Nope. I hid under the table. Man it's great to be me again," he stretches. He pulls off his gloves and pops his knuckles. Ciel notices the contract circle on Charles' hand. He says nothing. Charles jumps off the table.
"I'll be with Adrian at his shop if anyone needs me," he says then leaves with Undertaker.
"I don't want to know what they are doing," Grell covers his eyes and tilts his head back. Ciel laughs. Elizabeth left early with Jade so Ciel takes this opportunity. He taps Grell's shoulder. Grell looks down at him and smile. Ciel kisses Grell and chuckles. Grell Ruffles his hair.
"Sir we really should be helping taking down," Grell says. Ciel nods and goes with Grell to start taking left overs to the kitchen. They find William standing in the kitchen, deep in thought.
"You alright William?" Grell asks.
"Huh?" He's snapped from his thought, "of course. I just miss her is all." Grell hugs William.
"It's alright William. You'll see her again soon remember? You're the one who resurrects. And it's going to be her," Grell says placing his hands on William's  shoulders. He nods.
"It makes sense for me to do so," William says, "thank you Grell." He adjusts his glasses and leaves. The crew five finish packing the decorations.
"Kevin," Grell goes to him.
"Yes Senpai?"
"The candles were gorgeous darling. Good job," Grell pats his head then goes back to Ciel.
"You're not so serious anymore Grell," Ciel smirks.
"I got out of my rut, my king," Grell bows and they laugh.
"And my queen," Ciel bows and they laugh more.

Eventually, around 1am everyone has left. Ciel and Grell are curled up on the love seat in front of the the fireplace in the lounge.
"Grell? You still awake?" Ciel whispers.
"Am I breathing sir?"
"There's your answer then," Grell smiles. Ciel sticks his tongue out at Grell.
"Careful. I may just take that," Grell snickers. Ciel chuckles and kisses Grell.
"Next party we hold, we have to make out under the table again," Ciel smiles.
"Oh no. I was thinking next time maybe on the roof or maybe just in front of everyone."
"Yes, because I totally want Elizabeth to see us making out," Ciel says sarcastically. he shivers a bit. grell takes the blanket from the back of the couch and wraps it around them.
"Thanks Grell." Grell nods and cuddles his master. He watches the flames. Slowly screams start to echo in his mind. Ciel falls asleep. Grell continues watching the flames. He could hear the souls of all he had reaped, all at once, all screaming- no. Not them. Souls to die when he does. He can hear their screams echoing from the future. A future Grell hoped was far off. He rests his head on top of Ciel's and watches the flames crackle and shift in their burning dance. The flames go from white to yellow to orange and lastly to a beautiful bright red. His grip around his master tightens. This was his life every night sense the prophecy. He was haunted. Haunted by those who have died and those who have yet to die. As he watches the fire in its devastation all dance in the fire place he sees the faces of all he has reaped. He remembers each of their names, their age and time of death. He remembers them all. Each had a life, a story. He could see the records running through his head. Is this the curse of being a reaper? He holds Ciel tighter. The price to pay for trying to reap your own soul is to serve. The souls who did not take this deal live life and die. Those who do cannot die unless by murder. Such is the price. Grell shuts his eyes trying to block out their faces. He holds Ciel even tighter. Ciel wakes up a bit from the uncomfortable hold Grell hand on his waist. Grell opens his eyes to the fire again and hears their laughing, their crying, their love and hate. Everything. He because enraged and help Ciel even tighter.
"Grell stop. That hurts," Ciel says. Grell is snapped from his torment and looks down at Ciel. He loses his grip. Ciel shifts and looks up at Grell. He wipes away the tears that started to race down Grell's cheeks.
"Are you alright?" Ciel asks worried.
"I'll be fine. I just- I haven't slept well- okay I haven't slept at all."
"Grell. Get some sleep."
"Every time I go to try and get sleep I hear their voices."
"The ones I've reaped. I hear them. Calling out in the night never letting me find sleep," Grell says solemnly. Ciel hugs Grell.
"I can guard you till you sleep," Ciel chuckles. Grell huffs.
"That would be nice sir," Grell says leaning back his head onto the back of the seat. Ciel shifts and checks up against Grell again, his head on the redhead's chest. Grell holds Ciel around the waist and drifts off to sleep. Ciel makes sure Grell stops breathing before he himself goes back to sleep.

Ciel wakes and looks up at Grell, who is still fast asleep. Ciel smiles. He wanted to do something special for Grell. He slowly climbs out of Grell's lap and silently goes to the kitchen. He looks around for a few minutes then sighs.
"Um Phantomhive sir, what are you doing?" Ciel turns to see Bard standing there.
"I wanted to make Grell breakfast. A surprise," Ciel gives a small smile.
"Grell ain't so much on breakfast. But man does he have a sweet tooth. Now where did he put it. I know he has a container of tea somewhere," Bard starts rummaging around the lower cabinets. Ciel picks up a container of earl grey.
"This it?" Ciel asks.
"Nah. That's what he makes you. It's a bit too bitter for him in the morning. He accidentally had some of that once for his early morning tea and nearly had a heart attack- ah! Here it is!" Bard pulls out a wooden box, 8" by 8" at most. He pulls the clasp and opens it. Ciel looks in the box at the near black leaves, shriveled and contorted in their wooden box.
"That kind is that?" Ciel asks.
"It's um. Trying to remember how to pronounce it, oh yeah. It's called Pu-erh oolong tea. We'll have to grind it ourselves," Bard sets the box on the counter and looks for the stone crushing bowl.
"Ya know those bowls with the stone thing?"
"Mortar and pestle?"
"Yeah. He has one around here somewhere," Brad looks in some cabinets.
"This it?" Ciel tries to reach it in the cabinet. Bard grabs it.
"That the one sir," he sets it on the counter, "now to figure out amount." Bard takes a book from a drawer. It has Grell's hand writing on every single page. Each page had a recipe. Ciel smiles at the book. All the scribbles of what certain items looked like fascinated Ciel. He looks up at Bard. He stops on a page and then gets out a small measure tool and puts a little over 1/4th of a cup in the mortar.
"You wanna mash it up sir?" Bard asks offering him the pestle. Ciel nods and starts grinding up the leaves as Bard starts to boil some water for it. He finds a small thin material bag and helps Ciel put the ground up tea into the bag. It's no bigger than 3 finger widths. He sets the bag into the pot as it boils. Bard make sure that's right in the directs then shrugs. Ciel watches the water turn a deep Crimson red.
"Figures," Ciel chuckles at the color. Bard finds a small container of sugar and adds 2 cubes and stirs the blood red tea. He gently taps the spoon on the rim on the tea pot.
"It's done," Bard says proud of himself.
"Thank you Bardroy," Ciel smiles. Bard nods. He puts the pot and two tea cups in a tray and carries it to the lounge. Ciel carefully pours the two cups of tea. He then gently taps Grell's shoulder.
"Grell. It's time to wake up. We have a case to work remember?" Ciel whispers to Grell. His bright green eyes flutter open and look at Ciel. A smile crosses his face.
"Last time I checked I was your butler not the other way around," Grell chuckles groggily.
"You were so tired last night. I thought I'd let you sleep in past me."
"What's that smell?"
"You made tea?"
"Bardroy helped."
"That smells like my tea."
"It is."
"You found my tea and made it?" Grell smiles and kisses Ciel's forehead. Ciel grins ands him his tea. Grell sits up and takes a sip. Ciel takes a sip from his cup then sets the cup down.
"Sir?" Grell looks at Ciel as he stands and heads for the door.
"I'm goi g to go run a few laps around the estate," he says. Grell quickly downs his own tea then Ciel's tea then runs after him.
"Wait for me sir~!" Grell laughs. Ciel now knew how Grell could bounce off the walls.

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