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Bella and I just got our lunch,then we hear someone yelling for us.It was Eric.

Eric:"Bella,Scar over here!"

Bella looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here.I giggled.

Me:"Come on, I'm right here with you"

She smiles alittle and then nods.We get to the table.

Me:"Hey everyone"smiling.


Eric:"Guys meet my home girls Bella and Scarlet"

Me:"Please just Scar"

When we sit down I notice a guy with sort blonde hair kept looking at me and Bella.(Creepy much) I thought.Then he is the first one to say his name.

???:"Hi I'm Mike Newton"smiling.

???:"I'm Jessica"


???:"And I'm Angela"smiling.

There was another flash,look and see it was Angela.

Angela:"Sorry need something for the school article"smiling.

Eric:"The article is dead Angela don't bring it up again"he gets up about to leave then turns to us "Don't worry I got your back girls"smiles then leaves.

Bella:"Sorry its just that we are more"

Me:"Suffer in silence kind of girls"

Angela:"That's OK I guess we can have more drunk driving stories"

Bella:"You know,you can always go for eating disorders."

Me:"And speedo padding on the swim team"laughing alittle.

Angela:"Actually,those are really good ideas"smiling.

While Jessica and Angela was talking I caught Bella staring out the window I looked and there were some teens that actually look like they can be models.

Bella:"Who are they?"

Angela:"The Cullens."

Jessica:"They're Dr.and Mrs.Cullen's foster kids.They moved down here from Alaska,like,a few years ago."

Angela:"They kind of keep to themselves."

Jessica:"Yeah because they're altogether.Like,together,together.The Blonde girl,that's Rosalie,and the big buff guy with the dark hair, that's Emmett,they're,like,a thing.I'm not even sure that's legal."

Angela:"Jess,they're not actually related."

Jessica:"Yeah,but they live together.It's weird.And ,okay,the little short-haired girl's Alice.She's really weird,and the guy that is like total cutie,that's Matt."

I look back and two more guys come in.One had bronze hair and other one who looks like a god lol.

Bella:"And those two?"

I look back at Jess.

Jessica:"Oh the one that looks like he is in alot of pain,that's Jasper,and the one with the bronze hair that's Edward.They are both single,but don't bother because like nobody is good enough for them."

I giggled alittle at that.When they walked by I saw a smile on Edwards face.And I thought I saw a small smile come on Jasper's face after I giggled.I couldn't take my eyes off of Jasper.Looks like Bella is like me lol,can't take her eyes off of Edward.

Jessica:"But seriously,like,don't waste your time."

Bella:"I wasn't planning on it"

(Yeah right.She is probably thinking the same thing I am,that is 'Wow that guy is sexy, she can't take her eyes off Edward,just like I can't take my eyes off of Jasper)I thought.After I thought that we all hear aloud laugh.We all looked at the Cullen table.It was that Emmett guy.(Wow that's aloud laugh,atleast if he gets lost some where,then all he would have to is laugh...maybe I can sneak out when Bells is asleep to see what is under neithe that truck of hers,maybe I can make it better?)I thought.

Jessica:"Oh my god Scar,Rosalie and Jasper are smiling at you,and Bella,Edward keeps staring at you."

We turn around and sure enough they were.Looked like Rosalie told Jasper something and that made him smile more.(Wow. I love his smile. I have a feeling me and Rosalie are going to be great friends.)I thought.All of the Cullen table seems to be smiling after I thought that.

My Scarlet (Jasper Hale♥story)Where stories live. Discover now