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So, as I've already said, this is a collaboration between me and my sister which we started about two years ago. So far, this chapter and half of the second have been written but there is a plan to this (if I can find the book it's in because that also has the plan for Jack the Ripper and I can't seem to find it....Annoyingly). Anyway, no knowledge of either fandom is actually crucial here, so don't worry about that.

Hope you enjoy!

And please let me know what you think! :) It means a lot :)


"Right, here we go, three beers and two diet cokes. Sorry it took so long, the barman couldn't be any slower." Jason said as he put the tray of drinks down in the middle of the table the five of them were sitting at in the bar not far from the studio they were working in.

"Cheers Jay," Robbie said as he grabbed his diet coke from the tray and taking a sip before putting the glass down.

"So, what did I miss while the barman took an eternity to pour five drinks?" Jason asked as he sat down in his seat next to Howard.

"Not much," Gary said. "We were just talking about the promo tour, but decided to wait until you returned until we carried on. Didn't realise you were going to take so long."

"Blame the barman." Jason smiled. "Anyway, what about the promo tour?"

"Well, we were discussing locations and that." Howard told him. "Mark said that he was talking to Jonathan earlier about it." Howard nodded over at Mark, next to Robbie, as he took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, he said something about if we would like to go over to Australia and do something there for a week or so." Mark explained.

"Australia?" Gary said. It was clear already that he wasn't that keen on the idea of going that far out of Europe. Not that anyone could blame him, really. Gary was easily got homesick if he was away from his family for too long. It was something that had become apparent when the four of them had started touring again eight years ago.

"It's only for a week Gary," Mark told him, understanding why his friend didn't seem to be keen on the idea.

"I know, but it's so far away."

"He's got a point, Mark." Howard said. "It's a long journey and I think I've just about forgotten what it's like to be on a plane with Rob for a whole day." Robbie gave him a stern look before kicking him under the table.

"Shut up, Howard." Robbie said. "I was young and easily bored." Robbie told him as he took another sip from his drink.

"Yet, at the age of forty, nothing's changed." Mark grinned at him before yelping when Robbie gave him a quick sideways kick under the table. Everyone else just laughed.

Once the five of them had calmed down from that outburst, Jason took a sip of his drink before breaking the silence.

"I'm not sure Australia's a good idea, Mark." He told him, trying not to notice the way Mark's eyes filled with disappointment. "We haven't been there in years and the last single we had there was 'Shine'."

"I know, but we didn't get to go last time we did a promo tour and it'd be nice to go back now that Rob's back." Mark said. He wasn't going to give up just yet on getting the guys to agree with him on this.

"I've been back four years and you only come up with this now?" Robbie said looking across at Mark.

"Well, like you guys said, it's been a long time since we went there and it didn't cross my mind – or Jonathan's for that matter – back then. And, technically, we had that two year break, so you've only been back for two years." Mark told him.

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