darkness v.s lighting

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The light blinded me as I looked around in my hospital room . I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I looked over to find Bradley sitting next to me. "Your awake."he said with a sad smile.I looked away and then sat up vastly , remembering the wreck. "Where's MacKenzie" I yelled as I heard the heart monitor speed up. The doctor and nurse busted in and she pinned me down and have me a shot. I cried in pain as my body relaxed. "Mackenzie is in a coma. She lost 40% of her blood and was impaled. She thankfully survived , but hasn't woke up yet. As soon as your sister signs some papers we'll discharge you and you can go see Mackenzie." The doctor stated. And right there in the doorway was Caroline. My older sister. I have her a dirty look. "There's no need for that Avery. How are you feeling?" She asked. "I'm fine" I said . Finally the doctor came back with the discharge papers and Caroline signed them. "Youll be staying with me and Alex,and the twins." Caroline said with a smile, "that is until or if Mackenzie wakes up." She added. The put me in a wheelchair and we went in the elevator. We ended up outside one of the ICU rooms . Inside on A breathing tube , IV, a d feeding tube was Mackenzie. She had a long scratch from her hairline to her chin. Her eyes were closed and she lay perfectly still. Tears rolled off my cheeks and fell to the floor. I wheeled over to her and picked up her cold , lifeless , hand and placed it in mine. "Please Mackenzie, don't leave, wake up , come back to me , your all I have left.." my sentence was cut off by my sobs. I kissed her cheeks and left the hospital with my sister , wondering what life even meant anymore.

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