~ Chapter One ~

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        First day? Not a big deal...oh who am I kidding?! Its a HUGE deal! I mean what if everyone hates me? Its not every day you get a new teacher... You think I'm over reacting don't you? you say they have no reason to hate me, well you're wrong they could easily find one or fifty... What if I'm too flamboyant...will they find out I'm gay? Probably, its not hard to tell.

       "I can do this...I can do this" I repeat, what feels like a hundred times, over and over again since I've pulled up to this damn school.  As I step out of my silver Honda Civic , and straighten my bright blue tie, I can't help but wonder what's gonna happen when I walk through the door.

         After I signed in at the office I just went straight to my designated classroom, and signed onto the computer to pull up the roster for my fist class. It was almost fifty fucking kids... To say I was scared was a complete understatement, I'm fucking terrified! I don't even know how I got this job. I'm gonna be a chorus teacher but I cant even sing that well! How am I supposed to teach a bunch of kids who hate me anyway? They should be walking in the door in... fourteen minutes. I open a Diet Coke to try and relax. But I couldn't help but notice the room looks pretty bare, I should fix that...later.

       Exactly seventeen minutes later a girl walks in. "Is this chorus?" she asks in a quiet voice. "yeah just have a seat anywhere and class should start s-soon." I respond. I fucking stuttered! Great now she knows I'm scared I've already fucked up. Soon more students start to file in, never even sparing a glance in my direction, rude.

        It's been twenty minutes and they haven't shut up once. How can they even breathe?! I've barely been able to get a full sentence out. Its only 8:46 in the morning, and I already feel my head throbbing.  I'm not even sure how that's possible, but they did it.

       It takes ten more minutes before I can get them to shut up long enough for me to give an introduction. "Hello my name is Mr. Collins and I will be your new chorus teacher!"  Soon I'm handing them a syllabus as they are walking out the door. "This is due back to me, signed by Friday as a homework grade. Every day its later than that its ten points off." I yell to them. The only response I get is a bunch of groans and huffs.

      That's basically how all six of the classes went, so I won't bore you with the details. I had lunch duty today. So basically I had to walk around listen to kids scream, gossip, and try to stop as many food fights as I could. I couldn't find anyone gossiping about me  so that's always a plus.

     I couldn't help but hear that I wasn't the only new teacher in the school this year. There's a seventh grade English teacher, and a new art teacher. I almost started to scream right in the middle of the cafeteria. I'M NOT ALONE!! The only thing that keeps me from actually doing it is when I high pitched screams. And I have to yell at them to stop and go sit down. Like we get it you haven't seen each other in like an hour...Big whoop.

     After work I start the twenty minute drive home. As soon as I arrive I decide I'm too tired to cook and order pizza. While I wait I pull up Netflix and start watching Once Upon a time, its a good show don't judge me. After I eat I strip down to my Boxers and just flop on the bed. Sadly I smack my face straight on the bed." Ow..." I groan. I take off my glasses and just lay there. It wasn't the worst day...but I could definitely stand to wait before going back.


                                                                           Authors note:

GUYS THE STORY PART WAS EXACTLY 666 WORDS OMFG!!! But was it good? Did it suck? leave me a comment and let me know! don't forget to vote  (It'll make me super happy) also I feel like I wanna have a competition! There is a special guy coming up in the story later but he doesn't have a name yet so you guys should totally give me name suggestions in the comments too! Whoever's name I pick will get a chapter dedicated to them and my love :3 okay bye guys!


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