He's gone?

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It was a beautiful day. You walked out of your two-leg house and jumped onto your fence. You looked out upon the forest beyond the safety of your home. You looked for rusty. He wasnt there. "RUUUUUUUUUSTYYYYYYYY' you yelled. Just then your (2nd) best friend (insert 2nd best cat friend) came over. "What the heck are you yelling about?!" she questioned. "im cant find rusty" you replied. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH... he left for the forest!" "WHAT?!" You were heart-broken. Why would he just leave you all high and dry? "oh..." You walked back to your two leg nest and curled up and went back to sleep dreaming of rusty and you playing again.

the fire in my heart (reader X firestar)Where stories live. Discover now