Chapter Seven

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I found the apartment easily. It was bare, simple, empty except for the bare necessities. 

I absolutely loved it.

I sat on the bed, setting my bag on the ground. The Hokage told me that rent was paid for, so I didn't have to worry about that, but I would have to buy food myself. 

I opened my bag to unpack. First thing, my notebook full of songs. I pulled out an old water bottle, a pair of chopsticks, and a raggedy blanket. That was it, as far as possessions go. 

I took about a quarter of the money, and decided to go shopping for some food. It was the strangest feeling, walking down the street with money in my pocket. I was looking for a place to buy from, not steal from for once.

I found a vegetable stand and grabbed some lettuce, broccoli, and spinach. I payed for it, and the owner smiled at me in thanks. She smiled at me. I was caught completely off guard, and ended up walking away without smiling back.

I found a place that sold eggs, and bought a carton of those, along with some milk. I placed those in my backpack along with the vegetables. Only a few more groceries would fit into my backpack.

"What a lovely little girl, helping your mother with the shopping, are you?" The man selling the eggs cooed. I smiled up at him in thanks, allowing him to believe I was shopping with my mother, not all alone.

I stopped at a meat shop, grabbed some ham, payed, and left. I was on my way home when I passed it. The sweet shop. I ventured inside, staring in awe at all the candy. I heard a chuckle from behind the counter. "You act as though you've never been in a sweet shop before!" A young woman giggles.

"I haven't," I replied in awe. She started in surprise.

"Well, do you want some samples? I'll give you a chocolate pocky sample to get you started." I nodded, and she handed me a piece of pocky. I crunched into it, and my eyes widened. I quickly finished it. 

"Can I have as big of a bag of that as possible?" I ask. The woman laughs and nods, and I left the shop with several large packages of pocky. I walked down the road and arrived at my house, still crunching on my pocky.

I started to put the food away, and decided to have a real dinner tonight. I started tearing up the ham slices I bought into little chunks, then stood on the stool and began to fry them. I set the temperature on low and began to beat the eggs. 

Just as I finished cooking my humongous omelet, I heard knocking on the door. I froze. I didn't think I had any neighbors. I stared at the door, jumping in fright as there was another knock. I slowly made my way to the door. I couldn't reach the peephole, so I cracked the door open.

"He-hello?" I whisper, only catching a flash of yellow through the crack. 

"Yeah! I thought I smelled someone cooking! Are you my new neighbor? The old man said I would finally be getting one! What are you cooking?" He spouted out all at once. He seemed friendly, but I didn't want to make friends. Not after Gaara. 

So I shut the door in his face.

I sat down against the door, face in my hands. Why can't everyone just leave me alone? Suddenly I hear the boys voice in my head. She must think that I'm a monster, just like the rest of them. But I gotta keep trying, maybe she'll still be my friend! The knocking starts up again.

I sigh and open the door up. There stands a boy my age, with a shock of yellow hair, three lines on his cheeks, and the widest, bluest eyes I've ever seen. She actually answered the door! I heard ring through my head. Wow, great work, Naruto. Now what? 

"Uh, whatever your cooking smells really good." He said. I sighed, turned around, and walked away. He followed me through the open door, shutting it behind him. The boy doesn't take a hint, does he?

"Er... My name is Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!" He said. I turned and gave him my emotionless gaze.

In a monotone, I questioned, "Why wouldn't I believe it?" 

He was caught off guard by both my emotionless face and the question. "Uh..." I ignored him, and grabbed two plates. I gave him a quarter of my omelet, leaving the rest for me to eat. I wasn't lying when I said I burned calories fast. I needed lots of food. 

We sat down to eat. "Arigato. You didn't need to feed me as well."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Didn't I, though?"

He seemed confused by my answer, so he pointed at my portion of the omelet. "Are you really going to eat that entire thing?"

"Watch me." I replied. And I did. I can easily eat twice as much as any normal child would need to eat. 

"So, uh... what's your name?" He asked.

"Keira Boukyaku." I reply.

He seemed slightly unsettled by my monotone, short responses. "Keira... Where are you going to go to school?"

Why was he so interested? The answer soon came to me from his mind. All I want... Is to make one friend... I can't give up! The poor boy would be disappointed when he realized I had no intention of making friends with him, or anyone. 

"I will be attending the ninja academy." I mutter. 

He grinned. "Me too! I'm in Iruka-sensei's class, he doesn't like me much... but I can walk you there if you like?"  I suppressed a sigh again and stood, doing the dishes. I knew how everything worked because I was a servant at one point. I was four, and the servants took me in, let me help them. But then I was forced to flee that village as well.

"Perhaps." I reply. His face falls. I feel a twinge of guilt, but push it aside. I'm sure he would be able to make other friends. I finish the dishes and glance at the clock pointedly.

"Oh, uh, well, I better leave, it's getting pretty late..." he trailed off, as if he was half expecting me to ask him to stay longer. I made no move to stop him as he went to the door. 

"I agree, Uzumaki-san. We wouldn't want your parents to worry about you." I stated.

He flinched slightly, and I heard, if I had any parents to worry about me. I furrowed my brow. So he was an orphan as well. "Yeah..." he replied slowly, "Parents..." He opened the oiled door and close it softly. I locked it behind him and frowned at the hinges. They would need to get rusty; anyone can sneak in if they are that quiet.

I go to the bed and realize I have no night clothes. I had never needed them before. I suppose tomorrow was shopping day. I pulled my shawl off, leaving me in my white tank top, which had the left sleeve still attached, and pants. I kicked my shoes off and climbed into bed. 

What an interesting boy. I sigh, turn the bed lamp off, and turn over, though I wasn't expecting any sleep. Under different circumstance, Uzumaki-san, I thought, we could be friends.


Chapter Seven! C'mon guys, can I have one vote or comment for my work? It would really make my day. It might not seem like much, but it shows that someone cares enough to do it. 

She met Naruto! And she was mean to him... But she is just being cautious with who she trusts or becomes friends with.

Oh, and the Uchiha slaughter hasn't happened yet, if you haven't guessed. 

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