The deal

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A little pre birthday treat :)

Brads POV

I was surprised to see her in the restaurant but then again money has the power to  change anything.I would be lying if i said that i wasn't waiting for this day. I wanted to get this over with but still a part of me wanted to prolong this moment so i could be near her longer ,don't know why. Maybe moms right i really need someone after Melissa. I slapped myself ,i really didn't want to think about melissa now. She had caused enough trouble in my life.

I smirked in her direction  when i noticed that she had noticed me and had turned pale . This girls seriously one puzzle.

I walked to her ignoring the other women whispering and casting glances at me. The more the people look the more believable it will be for them to believe that we are getting engaged.

"Well, hello  nice of you to join me.",i said formally  .

"You are LATE.",she replied bored. 

"I am never late . People are early.",i said smug

She gave me a dirty look and went back to staring at the table as if it was the only thing in the room.

"So i guess your reason for joining me is you  have agreed with the deal .",i said arrogantly.

"Yes and if you would be kind and just fast forward through your boring 1liners and get to business.",she said with a tight smile.

"You are in a hurry?",i asked amused.

"well that's clearly none of your business Mr Carter.",she replied bored

Well who was I to protest ,after all my work was getting done.

"Well the deal is you have to  become my wife for a year and in return i will pay you 4 million dollars for it  excluding the extras like a house on your name and a job.",i said looking at her face for any reaction hoping she might jump at the mention of money.She just looked lost.

"What are your requirements?",she asked looking at me for the first time.

Her eyes were red,looked like she was crying. It was hard to see eyes as dark coloured eyes are literally flat in dark and the light in the restaurant wasn't helping at all.

"I want you to be engaged to me by the end of the next week and  we will have to be married by the end of the month so that the year gets over quickly . Thus being my fiancee you will have to attend parties,functions with me and perform all the public duties of being my wife that is required. The divorce will be done at the end of the year and you can't use the claim of anyone being unfaithful or being after money or medical reasons as it is going to harm my image more then help it . If you back out or break any of these, our deal  will be broken and you wont get a single penny and I will make sure you wont get a job in new York for at least 5 years. So theirs no pressure  . Sign only if you are ready cause once you are in ,theirs no backing out.Any questions?",i said mentally checking if i left anything out.

"Um...can i get a little advance and do i have to quit my job?",she asked biting her lips nervously.Seriously that was distracting. It  took me a minute to answer her question.

"Yes i will transfer 80000 dollars the minute you sign the deal in to your new bank account as that way it will be easier for me to access.",i said.

"OK. But will  we have to be you know close  ?",she said nervously.

"Only outside or in front of my family which should be less. At the starting we will have to make a lot of public appearances to prove to the world we are real but after the marriage it will die soon,don't worry.I am not going to do anything to your personal space and i  will respect your professionality."

I now pronounce you husband and wifeWhere stories live. Discover now