I Can't Get Out Of This One!

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Niall's P.O.V.

I entered again without knocking. "It's good to see you dressed this time." "Shut up Niall." "Hey don't talk to me like that." "I can do what I wan't and you can't tell me what to do." I went to grab her and she ran into her bathroom. "You can't stay in there forever Charity!" "Yes I can!" "Well I can see you left some stuff laying out on your bed." "W-what do you mean?" "You left your towel, underwear, and shirt. So I am guessing you were planning on taking a shower right?" I didn't get a responce but I heard the shower curtian close and the water turn on.

Charity's P.O.V.

I hopped in the shower. He will have to fall asleep eventually. I got out of the shower and brushed my sopping wet hair. I look to my left and saw a hand towel. I dryed up my hair a little and the small towel was soon not able to soak up anymore water. I put my hair dryer in the plug in and turned it on. And tried to blow dry my body.

Niall's P.O.V.

Why is she blow drying her hair? She isn't going anywhere. Then I heard it stop. I quickly turned off the ligts and got under her blankets. I heard her open the door but turn off the bathroom light. It was pitch black. How could she see. She went on the oppisite side of where her clothes were. She had grabbed a flashlight. She turned it on and grabbed her clothes and put them on. She had a adorabale long soccer jersey on. She soon grabbed a book off her shelf and put a small reading light on her book. Then she turned off the large one and started to read.

About 30 minutes of reading she put her book in a drawer and layed back down. She obviously couldn't sleep because she got her phone out. She was on facebook,Twitter,and MEET ME? Why meet me? Was she looking for someone or was she just that bored? "Can you not sleep?" "Erm... No I guess not." She was startled that I had said something.

"How long have you been awake?" "Long enough to see you get dressed and get on Facebook, Twitter, and Meet Me." "Oh" "Well are bored?" "Yes very." "Well go make me a shake." "I am feeling very tired all of the sudden." "Sure you are." She turned her back to me and I heard her soft snores about 30 minutes after our little talk. I soon closed my eye lids and turned my back.

Charity's P.O.V.

I woke up at 6:30 a.m. I rubbed my eyes and put my hair up in a messy bun. I made chocolate chipped pancakes. They smelled so good. I got out the butter and syrup. I set up the plates and got some napkins. I made about 30 of them so I could save some for tomorrow.

Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up to smell something really good. I walked down the stairs only in my shorts. I turned to the kitchen and saw Charity washing her hands. "Oh Niall you scared me. I was about to go wake you up for some pancakes. Do you like chocolate chips?" "That is my favorite." I went and got like ten then some more. Charity only ate one of them. "Charity you should eat more." "No I am fine." If you don't eat more I swear I am going to kick you ass." I took her plate and put five on there.


Started eating them they tasted so good. But I am way to fat to eat this. I hurried and ate them. "Thanks Niall." "No problem." I saw him put his plate up and washed his hands. I went up to my room and laid out my stuff. I walked in my bathroom and put my hair up higher. I got on my knees and stuck my finger down to the back of my mouth.

Niall's P.O.V.

I went up to charity's room and I heard some noises. I put my ear to the bathroom door. I could hear her throwing up. I went to open the door and it was unlocked. Which was stupid of her.  She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. Her body made her throw up on more time but she tried to stop it. It didn't work. "I am so sorry Niall." I was so mad I didn't know why but I was. "You better never ever fucking do that again." "O-ok." I shut the door and heard the shower turn on. I looked at her bed and grabbed the stuff she forgot. 

I want to take her out tonight. I looked in her closet and found a short tight blue dress. I got her undergarmets and put it in the bathroom for her.

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