Chapter 1 How it started off

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CHAPTER ONE read when u have time!

Aphmau POV

I wake up in a forest not knowing anything about my past, what happened? All I can remember is my name... Aphmau.

I get up and see that I have a few items, I recognize what they are, but why do I have them? Oh well, what's the harm in keeping them?

I notice I'm wearing a purple crop top, some shorts, and gloves with flowers on them.

The first thing that I thought to do was gather resources and find a nice hole to make a shelter in.

After I finish making a cozy little dirt home, I'll make a crafting bench and some tools. Then I will go sheer sheep with my sword.    
( A/n I know you can't do that in minecraft just go with it )

So I can make a bed, because it's around noon and I want to have something comfy to sleep on later tonight.

"Finally, enough wool to make a bed!"

"I swore I heard something out here, Laurence!"

I think I can hear two men talking to each other.

Are they looking for somebody?
Wait! What if they heard me?

What will they do if they find me? Will they kill me? Will they rob me of what little I have? Will they kidnap me and hold me for ransom? I don't know who I even am.

I start running away to my underground dirt home, as quietly as I can. I can hear their footsteps above me, and I pray to Lady Irene that they don't see the entrance to my little shelter. Then the one who I think is......Laurence...maybe?

Says "I heard something too Garroth, but I can't see anything.

"Maybe it was just a wild animal."

"I don't think so Laurence, I heard a lady talking to herself, not just footsteps,"

"Garroth, let's just go."

"But what if she ran into trouble?"

"Then she wouldn't be hiding then, would she?"

"Good point Laurence, let's just go."

I don't think they know who I am, but maybe their not bad guys after all. So when they turn around, I'll just take a quick peek at them.

3rd person POV

Garroth and Laurence started walking back to Pheonix Drop and as they started walking back, Aphmau popped her head out of the ground like a gopher.

When she saw them she immediately thought to herself

"They're guards?!" That means there's a village near by.

Aphmau's POV

I realize that they are guards as soon as I see the type of Armor that they are wearing.


I saw myself sitting all alone at lunch at guard training camp. Then a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes, (who was a few years older than I was at the time ( i was 12 he was 15)) pushed me out of my table, and I went to sit near a tree with purple leaves and ate my lunch there instead.

He graduated at the top of his class, and made it on to the jury of nine waiting list.

When he graduated and left I thought it would be nice that he was gone, but when he wasn't there to tease me, all it did was make me remember the mean things he ever said to me. And that built up an anger inside me that I never had before. 2 years later when I was 14, I was alone practicing fist fighting in the training room really early in the morning. But then some other kid I never saw before walked in and (he was 15 meaning he was gonna graduate at the end of the year and I would graduate next year)
He came up to me and asked me question...

"Why do you have so much built up anger?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why are you always angry?"

"Why do you care? You don't even know me, and I don't know you."

"I'm Garroth, there now you know me."

I stopped punching the practice dummy for a minute and just stared at him blankly.

After a few seconds of akward silence...

"My name is Aphmau."

"Nice to meet you Aphmau."

"So now will you tell me why your so full of anger?"


"Why not?"

"Because....    reasons."

"That's not a good enough reason"

"It's good enough for you."

He just stood there not saying anything. I went back to punching the practice dummy.

*wooden snapping sound*

"What was that?"
He said confused for a second.

"I broke it."

He stood there looking shocked that I broke it.

"I've never seen anybody break a practicing dummy before."

"Well your about to feel what it's like when I break a dummy if you don't shut up soon!"

He left. He actually left. I was surprised he left, but when he did I just went back to practicing like I was before.
Then I read my lips as I kept practicing...

"He was kinda cute"

What why would I even say that to myself?! It was obvious I didn't like him and he was annoying! but still... He was.


Garroth's POV

As Laurence and I were walking back giving up on the search, I heard somebody faint.

Laurence and I quickly turned around to see a beautiful girl unconscious, lying on the ground.

Was this the girl we were looking for when we came out here?



"She seems so familiar"
"And so beautiful"
Said Laurence.

I couldn't help but agree with him. Where did I know here from?


Scales Wind?

Guard training camp?



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