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"Hey, Z, we pick up our boy tomorrow ." Harry reminded Zayn and chuckled evilly. Harry and Zayn are going to get their target. Louis Tomlinson. Why? ,you ask. Let me tell you a little story;

*Flash back*

"What brings you here, Johannah." Harry curiously asked.

"Well.. I want to have a kid, with my husband.. But the doctor said that I'm not able to get pregnant! We've tried everything!" Johannah cried. "Do you think you can help?"

"Sure thing." Harry smirked and his eyes turned pitch black."On one condition. You will get pregnant with a boy, he will be born on Halloween. On his 17th birthday, I will take him."

"What! No! You can't take him!" Johannah screamed.

"Don't raise your voice at me. You want the child or not?"

"Y-yes." Johannah stuttered.

"Alright." Harry smirked once more." Give me your hand."

Johannah didn't waste anytime to do so. Harry drew an upside-down cross on the palm of Johannah's hand.

Harry made his way towards the door. "Wait!" Johannah stopped him. "Why did you put an upside down cross? I am a Christian and the upside down cross represents the..-"

"You've just made a deal with the Devil. Congrats, you're pregnant." Harry replied and chuckled evilly. Harry snapped his fingers and Johannah collapsed onto the hardwood floor.

*Present time*

"Yesss!" Zayn chuckled evilly with Harry. "He will be ours!" Zayn cheered and thunder and lighting erupted in the dark sky.


"My baby, my sweet sweet baby. I- I am so sorry." Johannah rambled. It's October 30th, tomorrow is Louis' 17th birthday and Johannah had to give Louis to Lucifer (Harry) tomorrow.

"What are you talking about mom?!" Louis didn't mean to snap at his mother. It's just that she has been apologizing to Louis and not explaining why.

Johannah sighed. "Someone is coming for you tomorrow,-" Johannah glanced at the clock- 11:45 PM - and paused . "NO! NO! NO! IN A FEW MINUTES!" Johannah panicked.

"What? Who?" Louis confusedly asked.

"Umm. I-I-I.. the Devil." Johannah hugged Louis. "But I wont let him take you, sweetie.." Johannah tried to sound convincing as possible.

Louis gasped and tried to get out of his mother's embrace. "Mum, you're lying. I wont fall for your tricks this time."

"Louis, this isn't a joke, this is a serious matter actually." Johannah hugged Louis tighter.

"Mhmm.." Louis said, not believing anything that his mother is saying.

Johannah sighed in frustration and Louis went upstairs to his room. He plopped himself onto his bed and went on his IPhone and made a group-chat with Niall, Jade and Liam;

Louis: my mom is acting weird guys..

Jade: wha is she sayin loueeehh

Liam: deez nuts!

Niall: GOOTEM!!

Jade: stop w/ ur foolishness lima bean and neil

Liam: stop callign me lima bean.

Liam: calling*

Niall: yeAH! and dont call me neil !

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