#8 Insanity

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I aimed at him and shot again. This time he vanished. "YOU DON'T KNOW, COME BACK AND FIGHT, COWARD." I yelled, enraged at the thought of us being the same person. I walked back to the tent and sat down. I had a lot to think about. I put my gun down and fell asleep. When I awoke, I was lying face down back in the wastelands. I stood up and looked around. I was where the fight broke out, the ground was still burnt where the grenade went off, and there was blood where me and Launa were attacked by the psychos. I was alone this time, and I didn't know how to get out. I decided to go where me and Josh had made camp. My leg buckled under me and I realized that it was wounded again. I picked up a few rogue sticks and formed a brace for my leg. I walked along the edge of the crater, miles and miles still lie before me. I eventually fell down of exhaustion and............. and then I was back........... back to the camp, and Josh, and the woods. I stood and went to the tent to wake Josh, but he was gone, not in the tent, and not in his truck. My arm seared with pain and I rolled up my sleeve. There was the numbers 1, 8, 9, and 0, carved into my wrist. I pulled my sleeve over my arm, cringing. He did this, the shadowman was here, he left his mark on me. That number though, what did it mean? It could be anything, a year, a code, or just his favorite number. I don't know. I turned and walked to my truck to go after Josh. When I opened the door I heard it, laughing, demonic laughing. I turned and jumped in my truck, looked up, and grabbed my gun all in the same second. In the trees I saw a spanning web of blood covered limbs, all comming from one creature hanging in the trees. It too was made of shadow. The laughing emanated from it. I realized that shooting it was probably a very bad idea, so I threw my gun in the back seat and threw my truck in reverse. I looked at the creature, its head split open and a giant blue eye popped out. I rolled down my window and pulled the gun out of the window and shot at the propane tank I had left behind. It burst and the gas leaked out. I floored it towards the tank and I flamed my exhaust. The fuel lit up and burned the trees around it. The fire reached the creature and it began to shake and its skin began to boil. "So fire kills them, interesting." I said to myself, driving away. I drove until I ran out of fuel. I parked along side of a tall building. I pulled my gun out of the back seat and climbed out of the truck. I slung my gun over my shoulder and continued forward. I was now sure that Josh had abandoned me, or had been killed. I didn't really know what was real anymore. I was switching realities when I slept, and the shadow creatures were not normal. I walked for about a day, with nothing out of the ordinary happening. No shadows, no people, no Josh. Eventually I fell down, exhausted. I was ready for deaths hand to take me. I was done waiting, I was done being confused. I sat there and thought about everything that had happened. I had closed my eyes when I heard a noise. Something grabbed my hand and started to drag me. I hope it killed me, I won't even bother to struggle. I closed my eyes, and passed out................

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