#1 Radioactivity

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She walked to the edge, eerily staring at me. I lie on the ground, bleeding and disoriented. She smiled as she jumped, right off the edge of the precipice. And just like that she was gone, a girl I had only known for about a minute had just disappeared from the world forever. I couldn't move, my senses were paralyzed and numb. Blood enveloped my body as I slipped in and out of consciousness. My pain was numb as a blackness obscured my vision. An archangel.......of sorts, stood over me, saving me, just barely, from death. It was no suprise to me, of all the things I've ever seen and done, id be suprised that he saved me at all. Then my vision phased enough to see that in fact, it wasn't an archangel, that in fact, it was Will. An old friend from my past, who I didn't always have the best history with. He dragged me away from the cliff as I passed out...........

I awoke to the sound of metalic scraping and screaming. I was chained to a bed, bandaged and sore. The room was dimly lit, with a pitch black hallway outside of the door. A shirtless man walked in the room with a tray full of.... who knows what........ tools maybe. It was too dark to tell. I shook my shackles, trying to escape my predicament. Not knowing what awaited me my mind raced with the possibilities. I panicked unknowingly..........wait, he was unlocking my shackles, I was free. He was shirtless with a gas mask and khaki pants. He bore scars all over his body and his skin had a hue of green. He walked out of the room a second later not even giving me a second glance. I sat up on the bed and checked my body. My skin too had a slight hue of green and my throat tasted of copper. My face burned and my hands were weighed down and numb. I made my best attempt to stand on my numb legs, but fell down shortly after. I walked into the pitch black of the hall and felt around for anything useful. I ended up tripping on a flight of stairs and feeling the impact of every step along the way. My eyes stung from the dust in the room. The room lit up and my eyes were forced to adjust. When I was adjusted, I observed my surroundings. There was a gun on the table in the far corner of the room. I picked it up to check if it was loaded........."dang, only one bullet". Next to me was an open door with stairs going down. I figured that this was probably ground level so that was a basement. I couldn't find a door leading outside so I decided to check the basement. What I found down there was horrific. There were people chained to walls and hung from the ceiling. They all had there throats cut ear to ear. I stood behind a chain link fence staring at the horror. I looked away to find a laptop. The laptop had over 70 files on it all with their own separate names.............Julian, Mitchell, Mark, Alex.............the list went on........... on the files were videos. Videos of a man dressed in black chasing each one around this house, capturing them, and then him setting up the camera so I could watch how he brutally tortured and killed all of them........... and then a thought went through my head......... "im next".......... Then I turned around........... there he was, the man in black. I looked away in fear and saw that the computer had a radiation warning on the screen. I looked back to the man, his eyes glowed red through the mask, his skin a yellow hue, and in his hand he held a strip of barbed wire which he proceded to wrap around my neck. I could feel the barbs burrowing into my neck, a horrible way to die, it really is. My face burned with hatred as he slowly dragged the wire across my neck, cutting me open and letting blood leave my body. I felt lightheaded as I waited for the end to come...............and then........light shined on me. The house ripped off of the basement and then.............. I saw it, it was astonishing. The mushroom cloud of pure destruction. The fallout would kill me if the explosion didn't. The man released his grip on me and ran......... what good that would do....... we would all be dead in about a minute anyway but go ahead and run.........wait......... the laptop............people needed to see this..............they needed to know, the families of all those people, if they had any needed to know. So I grabbed the computer and ran to find a place where it wouldn't be damaged. At the last second of life, I ejected the hard drive and abandoned the computer. I dropped the hard drive in a safe place that wouldn't be damaged by the explosion............ in theory. I had no time to do the math so I turned to look at the death unfolding before me. The last beats of my heart in my body, the last breaths, the last blinks, and the last sounds I would ever hear. The burning hot air surrounded me and my skin began to boil. I raised my arms as the last breath left my body............ I will miss it................ "dang it I hope they aren't dead" was the last thought i had...............

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