Where is Sarah?

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My eyes slowly opened and I saw the blinding light of the sun peeking through the window. My vision was blury, but I knew someone was standing infront of the window beside me. I started to rub my eyes, then my vision turned back to normal. I saw Sarah. She had a few scabs towards the top of her arm and the right side of her face. When I looked at her, she started to rub her hand from my forehead to my hair. Her hand was soft at touch. I looked around me, and I was laying down in a bed with white wires around me. I went to take a nap because I was too tired.

A second later, I opened my eyes again. Suddenly, I wasn't tired, but I was very hungry. I said, "Sarah, can u get me out of here?" But she didn't respond. She just kept rubbing my head. Her hair was longer than usual, and her eyes were brown not blue. But something was suddenly weird about Sarah. Not only did her eyes seem like she was hiding a secret, but so did her body movement. Her scabs were gone, and she left the room without saying anything. I looked on the side of the bed, and I saw a remote. I pressed the button with a red plus sign because I was kind of curious of what it can do.

A second later, Sarah came back into the room and said, "Do you need anything Bella?" It didn't sound like something Sarah would say. Sarah would've sat down by me, and asked if I am alright. I said, "Sarah, I want to go home now. I want to play with my dolls. I bet Ruby is waiting for me to host a tea party so she can hang with her BFFL!"

But after I spoke that sentence, I heard her say something that was a little unexpected. She said, "Oh Bella, i'm not Sarah. She is in the other hospital because you guys were in a car crash. But do you need anything?" My cheeks turned red. My nose started to twitch. I shook my hands back and forth trying to calm myself down, but it didn't work. My eyes suddenly were filled with tears. So many tears came out of my eyes, it was like a tsunami. The nurse ran to me and gave me a hug. She spoke and said something that stopped my crying. She said that Sarah is going to be okay but.... find out in the next chapter

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