Slipping the Bonds

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A poem I wrote for my Creative Writing class a few years ago. Again...poetry...not my forte. I'd say what the required subject was, but I'll leave that to you, the reader, to reason out. XD

I watched him in the liquid.
I did not know him long.
And he, not me.
Friends we were not,
But an equal respect I believe we shared.

His once deep eyes were absent.
I could still feel his fixed gaze.
Perhaps he thought me God.
Perhaps he thought me the devil.
Or maybe he thought nothing of me at all.

Would he be angry with me?
Or maybe he would thank me.
He could have been unhappy,
Wishing for an end.
Born without the means to end his misery.

For a time we two enjoyed each other's company.
We challenged one another in catch as catch can.
This water creature and I played different sides.
A game of life or death,
Brought to an end for vicious sustenance.

My little rival made his final flip through the air,.
But he landed, not with a splash, but with a thud and a sizzle.
Black flakes rained down upon him like volcanic ash.
Though we shared this large globe.
Now all we share is a slice of lemon with butter and parsley.  

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