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louis felt the wind whip through his newly short hair as he gently rested his left elbow on his knee, cradling his chin in his upturned hand. his ocean blue eyes looked out over the horizon in front of him, the bright green grass dotted with yellow and white dandelions, a large weeping willow tree about 10 metres to his left, shadowing a wide lake of crystal clear water. god, this place was picturesque. louis wished he fitted the perfect scene.

letting out a small huff of air, he shifted so his legs were crossed in front of him, and ran a slim hand through his dark brown locks. the fringe hiding his forehead was familiar, however he stroked at the back of his neck, half bemused. the feeling of having short hair was unusual, and definitely odd, but oh god did louis like it. his shoulders felt light without the usual heavy waves resting on them, and louis rolled them, grinning. if he kept his eyes trained on the view in front of him, kept his hands in his hair, and tried to ignore the bra straps digging into his shoulders, he could almost imagine...

something hit his shoulder, hard, and he was jolted back into reality. looking around, he saw a football lying to the right of him. standing up and brushing off his light blue jeans, he gathered it in his arms and looked around for the owner. his eyes fell on a small yorkshire terrier bounding towards him, and he chuckled and threw the ball towards it. the dog fell on it, growling and louis shook his head in amusement. in the distance, he saw a blonde teenager waving at him in apology, and he made a hand gesture as if to say "it's ok!"

as the dog ran off again, louis shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket and bent to pick up his faded backpack. he should probably get back anyway, if he was going to keep in his mum's good books. a breeze ran through the leaves of the weeping willow as the boy walked slowly home, leaving his peaceful scene behind him.


hi! ok, so often author's notes annoy me bc i just wanna read the story so i won't be doing these often, but i wanted 2 introduce myself.

i'm ollie, i'm a teenager, i'm highkey a 1d stan and i'm a trans male. i'm gay as hell and ship larry if u can't tell.

notes about the story! ; it's set in doncaster, and assume all main characters (e.g the boys) grew up in doncaster unless mentioned otherwise. it involves a bunch of lgbtq+ shit so if ur uncomfortable w/ that u may as well just block me tbh ::)) lowercase is intended, idk why i type like this i just do ?? apart from that grammar should be a++ (maybe not in the author notes tho)

thank u all 4 reading !! have a fab day + treat urself well !! 💞🌸🌟

transgender ; larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now