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Background to this one-shot: Semi-historical AU-ish story. Prussia is in his Kingdom years and England's in his Pirate/Empire years.

Arthur and Gilbert have been friends since their childhood days; they've grown up almost alongside each other and become powerful empires in their own right. Both have been close to each other almost like siblings and sometimes view each other as a complementary half of a whole. But what if one of them went insane with power and forced the other to a duel? Fight scene is based on the epic duel from Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan and Anakin. (Thats why it seems to start from the middle of nowhere. But I hope you readers will enjoy reading it.)



Gilbert brought out his own sword and angled it before him, unable to believe that his friend-no his lover had turned into a monster lusting after power. With a long sigh, "I will do what I must. The real Arthur; nein, the true King of the Seven Seas would never do this." Crimson orbs gazed at the sandy blonde sadly; a mixture of regret, heartache and a tinge of grief on his face. Never had the Prussian imagined that their relationship would end up in this way at all; neither did the albino ever want to point his blade at the pirate.

"You will try," Arthur taunted and leapt.

Metal crossed, and the waves around them echoed their sparks with a roar.

Blade-to-blade, they were identical. After hundreds of years sparring and dueling, they knew each other better than brothers, more intimately than lovers; they were the complementary halves of a single warrior. In every exchange, Gilbert tried to give ground-it was his way; and he knew that to strike the Brit down would burn his own heart to ash, Exchanges were given, leaps were sidestepped or met with flying kicks; ankle sweeps skipped over and slashes parried, The albino tried to distract the pirate by tipping over a few barrels: a move made in desperation to slow the latter down as he fought against the maelstrom of emotions within him.

Easily, contemptuously, Arthur avoided the objects flung his way and carried on to battle the Prussian. "Don't make me destroy you, Gil." The sandy blonde's voice had gone deeper than a well and as bleak as a past with no future. "You are no match against the power that I wield now."

"I've heard that before," Gilbert muttered through his teeth, parrying madly, "But I never thought I'd hear it from you." There was a growl and a boot slammed him back into a mast; the impact smashing breath away from his lungs, leaving him swaying, half stunned. Emerald irises burned with triumph and the sandy blonde lifted his blade for the kill, It was only a reflexive spasm in his lungs and sheer luck along with centuries of experience in combat that the Prussian evaded the blow, knocked Arthur's own sword from its owner's grasp and poised both blades in a cross before the pirate. "The flaw of great power is arrogance."

"You hesitate," Arthur mocked. "You dare not kill me. A embodiment of War that fears-weak." The last word rolled on the Brit's tongue, his lips curved in a deranged smile. "The flaw of compassion-"

"It is not compassion," Gilbert answered mournfully. "It is reverence for life. Even the simplest of creatures." A short pause, "Your life as well. The respect for the man you were." Letting out a sorrowful sigh, "It is regret for the man you were and should have been."

The pirate screamed and flew at him, using his body to crash the albino back into the wood once more. His hands seized Gilbert's wrists with impossible strength, forcing his arms wide. "WAR OR NOT, ONLY I WILL RULE THE SEAS!" Dark power bore down with his grip and the Prussian felt the bones of his forearms bending, beginning to feather towards the greenstick fractures that would come before the final breaks, 'Oh,' the albino thought. 'This is going to hurt quite a bit.' With Arthur's grip on his wrists bending his arms near to breaking, forcing both their swords down in a slow but unstoppable arc, Gilbert let go.

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