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He was now pushing the door open, as I stood mute, and frozen from shock. Then,Norah held me by my two arms and kept shaking me, without saying anything I instantly came out of my own little world. I quickly thought of a plan. 

Next thing I knew, I was opening the door to let my brother,Edward in. Usually I call him Ed or Eddie,but this morning, I suprisingly called him by his actual name.Oh poop! Why did I do that I later thought to myself. He looked at my with a query and suspicious look. Oh Geez!

"So...I was just checking if you heard any noise from the Winsters last night?, cause I didn't and thats weird so..." He asked, and I knew I was going to burst any minute with the truth, but I couldn't. I would get in soo much trouble. And I would get Norah in trouble. 

 I quicky replied feeling bad to tell my brother a lie "No, actually i didn't either. Maybe they weren't home." I didn't lie fully. I said they probably weren't home, and Norah isn't home, so technically I didn't lie. He bought it. He actually believed me, my first lie was good! 

He then turned around and walked toward the door, he finally left and locked the door behind him. I went and closed the knob. When I heard him walking downstairs and far gone, I turned around to call Norah back in the room. As I got to the bed part, I see Norah, with clothes on hurtling towards me with a great amount of speed. Oh geez. 

I couldn't think fast, and next thing I knew, I was being pressed against the linen sheets of my bed, with a body on top of me. I could barely breathe, but I had enough space of my own to get at least some oxygen. My hair was covering the half of my face. I finally took a look upwards, and see I was being breathless because of Norah. Oh geez! Not breathless by his good looks, and pepper minty breath, but literally, because he was squeezing me on my own bed. 

He looked down at me too, and I could see we were thinking the same thing..or at least we were. I was thinking that he should get off of me, so I could go shower, but after what had happen two seconds later, I don't think he was thinking the same thing.

He leaned in for another kiss, and my left brain just told me to give in, let loose, and have fun with this drop dead gorgeous guy, who has a personality that could kill you, while my right brain said that I shouldn't be doing this, i'm a goody-goody, and I have be tip-top perfect. Oh whatever, I thought as I once had the thought of someone being absolutely perfect. Impossible. 

I leaned in, deciding on my left brain, and let loose with the kiss. He bit down on my cherry bottom lip, and I decided that he needs some pain or suffering of his own. I then looked down at his chest. I grabbed the hem of his shirt, and lifted up, and off him. I then run my fingers across his bare chest, he had goosebumps now. Then, when he was starting to tell me where to go, I stopped. He looked at me in a questionable matter, and I just got off the bed, and grabbed his shirt off the floor. I throwed it to him and said  "put your shirt back on, and if your looking for my hands to be in a little someplace, look again, alright? Cause I would never "do it" on a first date, and by the way, thanks for the kiss, it was alittle sweet"

He replied looking like a smart ass, "ohh so your considering this to be a first date ehh,?" "and I know that kiss was sweet, my lips are candy to ladies anyway."

 "I didn't mean it like that Nor" I stated bluntly. I though about it now, and this conversation is never gonna end.

"ohh so now i'm 'Nor' eh?" Realizing what I just called him I slapped myself mentally.

"whats with the ehhs Norah?"  I asked, and I was now glad that I called him by his name. 

"I see what your doing. Your changing the subject." " Back on the subject,so..did you really enjoy that kiss as much as I did? and why would you tease me like that?"

"okay 1st of all, I wasn't changing the subject, 2nd of all, yes I did enjoy the kiss, and 3rd of all, NEVER EVER say maddddddd if something is alot, it is very annoying" I said trying to ignore the question about the teasing.

"This is maaaaddddd funnnnnn, I like you like maddddddddddd much, you made me made me madddddd hard." He said trying to annoying to the fullest.

"Would you stop? And do you really like me, or was that a joke? and omg....did you say I made you hard?" I say extremely surprised.

Norah Point of View:

Well, should I go with my guts or go with my heart? I though about what to say for a few minutes. This is what I came up with saying to her, but decided upon not to..the truth isn't always the best.

'Well, sure i'll stop for you, and umm...yea, I started liking you wayy before you had let me stay for the past day. I would look out at my window, when ever I got up in the morning on the weekends, and I would see your teddy bear. You were never home, so I would write some crappy letter on scrap paper, and fold it into a paper paper plane, I would always get exicted about sending it, but, I never though you felt the same way, and would just keep all the airplanes in a shoe box.'

And if I had said that.. I don't know how she would react, I mean yea, she kissed me and teased me, but I still don't i decided lying was the best policy in this case.

"Well, no I was joking, you know how I joke, and no i haven't gotten hard since Ava Jemmings, oh how sweet she was." I lied about everything, and felt really bad. I mean yea Ava Jemmings is real and all, but she didn't make me hard, and she wasn't sweet."

Bella Point of View:

He just made my mood go from ecstatic to mournful. I can't believe he made my mood change that fast. I just thought he was cute and all. Never actually wanted to date him, or have any relationship to him, other than neighbor. I looked up to his beautiful face, and see that he is sorrowful, and just thinking to himself..ALOT. 

Then he looked at me with those big beautiful dark brown eyes of his, and first he was just biting his bottom lip, but now he was definitely over thinking, he was chewing the front of his nail off,  and his lips looked like it was now turning purple from too much biting. Bad Boy! I went up close to him, and pulled his fingers off his lips, and he looked like he was now thinking straight, as he looked me fully in the eyes. Then, I asked him why he was soo anxious, or ancy or worried.

"Okay, look alright...I have always had fee-" Nor began, but was cut off with the sound of my notification from Mom downstairs. I took my phone out of my shorts pocket.

I looked up at Norah once more before answering, and he looked a bit annoyed and bursting with things to say. Before I could answer though, he walked right past me to my bed, and went to my balcony. He took a huge leap to his room window, and I was left astonished, jawed dropped. Why was he so pissed?

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