Chapter 5

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"Kian?" I asked tiredly, he had his back to me. He spun around to look at me, "I'll call you back." "Kian what was that?" I asked. "What was what?" his eyes softened and he sat down at the end of the couch placing his hand on my knee. I sat up and his eyes watched my every move. "It was nothing don't worry about it Lena." He said gently.
You could tell he had just woke up. His hair was every which way and he had bags under his eyes, but he just looked like a piece of art. His jawline looked perfectly constructed by God's hands himself. His eyes were just absolutely stunning. Oh and don't even get me started on his lips and that perfect piercing he always runs his tongue over- "Lena? Hello? Earth to Lena." Kian said. I snapped out of my trance, "Sorry sorry... how about we get some breakfast somewhere?" I smiled sheepishly. He paused, "Sure."

After we both got ready we headed out to a small cafe and ate pancakes and drank tea. "You know, I never thought I would find myself drinking tea and eating pancakes with the guy who put his hands on my hips the first second he met me in a bar." I giggled. "I didn't think I would end up eating pancakes and drinking tea with anyone to be honest." Kian said shyly. "Well why is that?" I asked innocently. Kian paused and the glimmering in his eyes burnt out like someone blowing out a candle. "I..I don't know. I never thought I would ever find a girl and be in something serious someone..especially a good girl like you, not just some prostitute I picked up off the street."  Kian said. I didn't really know what to say. "Well why is that? Like, why would you think that?" I asked. "Because I don't have a great past..or that great of a present to be honest." Kian said. "Well what do you mean what's wrong with it?" I asked concerned. "Why are you asking me so many questions?" Kian asked. "I- I don't know..I'm just curious..because I really wanna get to know you better." I said. "Let me pay the check and we head home." Kian said and got
up to go pay.

After Kian paid we went home. "Hey I gotta go to work I'll he back later tonight, I work pretty late." Kian said. "Oh, okay... have fun."I smiled. Kian fixed his hair and put on his regular black jeans and white t-shirt outfit. I sat down on the couch and surfed through the channels for something to watch. "Alright I'll be back later, call me if you need anything." He came over and bent down and kissed my forhead. "Bye." I smiled.

After laying on the couch for a couple hours it was about 3 p.m. I got up and put on some leggings and a sweater and slipped on some boots. I decided I should go surprise Kian later but I want to go visit Veronica and Jessa. I headed out and caught a cab to my apartment I shared with them.
I walked in and Veronica was on the couch with Jessa eating pizza. "Hey Guys." I said. I haven't been around for about a week I think and I've texted Jessa to let her know where I was. "Oh hey stranger!" Jessa said. "How have you guys been?" I asked taking my boots off and setting them down on the floor with my purse. "Pretty good, so how's you and that Kian guy?" Veronica winked. "He's so sweet and..very mysterious." I said and sat down on the couch. "So are you guys like living together at his place?" Jessa asked. "Sorta. I don't know, I think I'm just having an extended visit. I think I really like him but I feel something off about him.. I don't know. He's just really secretive." I said. "Like about what?" Veronica asked. "Well today he got really weird when I brought us up about how I never thought we would end up together and he said he never thought he would end up with anyone because of his bad past and he said he had a bad present too. His entire mood changed after that. And I asked what made it so bad and he asked why I was asking so many questions. There is also this room at the end of a hallway he told me not to go into and was like super serious about it." I said. Veronica and Jessa just looked at me puzzled. "He seems like a hot mysterious boy, maybe he's a stripper." Jessa said. "Oh shut up." I laughed.

After that I stayed and finished the movie with them and lost track of time. "Oh shit it's like 8 o'clock, Kian is probably home." I said and checked my phone to have no text or anything from Kian. "I really doubt he's still at work.. he's been there since like 12:00." I said. "I'm telling ya, he's a stripper." Jessa said. "Yeah right." I laughed and started getting my stuff together. "I'll text you guys later, bye!" I said and headed out the door. I texted Kian and asked if he was still at work and he replied "yeah." so I caught a cab to the CD store to surprise Kian.

When I walked in I didn't see Kian and thought maybe he was in the back. The guy at the front was just sitting at the desk. "Hey, is Kian here?" I asked. "He doesn't have a shift today." He said. "Are you sure?" I asked. Where would Kian have been if he wasn't here? "Yeah. Check the schedule yourself," he handed me the schedule. Sure enough, Kian didn't have a shift today. "Uh..thank you." I said and pulled out my phone and went outside. The walk to his house isn't that far from here so I decided to walk. I started to call Kian. "Hey?" I heard Kian answer. "Where are you?" I asked. "What do you mean? I told you I had work." He said. "I just stopped at the CD store and you weren't there and the guy at the front said you didn't work today at all and he even showed me the schedule. Where are you?" I asked seriously. "Lena.. I.. I'm busy. I'll be home in a bit. I'll leave right now. I'll explain when I get home." Kian said. I stopped and breathed. I hung up. I headed home.

     By the time I got home Kian was already there and had a bouquet of roses for me. "Kian roses aren't going to fix this." I said. "I- I know. I just have some explaining to do." Kian said rubbing the back of his neck. "Then explain." I said crossing my arms.
"I was visiting my friend JC. You know those boots we saw at my house the other day and I claimed it was a robber? Well it wasn't a robber it was JC. He isn't used to me having anybody around so he just waltz on in like its nothing. We have some unfinished business together that's all so I had to go see him but I didn't want you to worry or think I was blowing off hanging out with you for time with the guys.. I don't really understand girls as you can see. But Lena I'm really trying for you. I think .. I think that I'm in love with you." Kian said. Everything he just said to me rushed over me all of the sudden. What does he mean by unfinished  business? Did he really just say he was in LOVE with me? "Kian.. okay first of all, that is not something I would get mad about. You have friends and so do I so if you ever wanna hang out with them go ahead, just make time for both.  But what unfinished business?" I asked. "Lena.. see that's the thing, I don't want to bring you into it for your safety. Trust me I'm doing it for your well being." Kian said. "For my well being? Kian you're so secretive and I don't know how to handle that." I said. "Please stay with me.. I need you. But you have to trust me." Kian said. "I trust you Kian." I said.

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