"The Eye Of The Hurricane"

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Chapter 2

It was a good night for Rick. The campus was quiet, his roommate had left for Christmas break already, and he had the dorm all to himself. He decided to celebrate with his best friend, Shane Walsh. Shane, dressed in a GSU tank top, sat next to Rick, who was dressed in a large, GSU hoodie and dark pajama pants. The twenty-year-old Shane, a known hell raiser, had decided to ignore the Georgia State University policy on alcohol consumption. Between Shane and Rick, their twelve-pack was now down to only three.

"I met a girl last night," confessed Rick. He was bashful by nature, so it was unlike him to even have a date. Rick's cerulean eyes were darkened by the shadows of the night, but Shane could make out the blue, even through the gloom. The two men sat alone, finishing the beer Rick had purchased since he'd turned twenty-one before Shane.

"Is she hot?" asked Shane. "Nice tits? How's the ass?"

Rick was taken aback by how lusty Shane seemed. "Man, is that all you care about? Tits and ass?"

"Duh! Of course, man!" Shane was surprised Rick would even ask him that.

"Well, she happens to be very petite and sweet," replied Grimes. "Just like how I like 'em."

Shane preferred a little more va-va-voom to his women, as did most men from the South. "I don't like 'em too boney." But who was Shane fooling? He was game for anyone willing to bed him.

"Well, she ain't for you," teased Rick.

"She got a name?"

"Lori." Rick took a quick swig of his Bud Light. "She goes to GSU too, but I met her at the Toga Tavern. I recognized her from the campus, but she ain't remember me."

"Ugh, Toga?" wined Shane, "that's air-head central, man. Isn't that where all the fraternity assholes meet up with empty-headed sorority bitches?" Shane really disliked anything Greek-related, since he'd been rejected by Alpha Epsilon Pi. He now held a bitter grudge against all fraternities or sororities. "You know those sorority chicks are only good for one thing." Shane playfully bit his bottom lip.

"And what's that, Mr. Walsh?" Rick said, an alcohol-induced grin etched on his youthful face.

"You know what I'm talking about, man," said Shane, grabbing himself in a vulgar manner.

Rick let out an echoing laugh before colliding his beer bottle with Shane's. Rick loved Shane's dirty talk, as it was a deep contrast to his own overtly moral attitude. Though Rick wasn't as vulgar as Shane, he did enjoy the idea of it. Rick lacked the confidence that Shane had, but made up for it with his morality. Rick may not have had as many girlfriends as Shane, but his relationships tended to last longer.

Rick admired Shane's ability to pick up girls, though. Shane could just stick out his chest, drop an assholish line, and he'd get laid. Rick had to actually be polite, charming, and respectful. Shane may have had the looks and the bad boy persona, but Rick was the gentleman that you could actually take home to your mother.

Shane attempted to stand, but his knees were too weak due to the excessive amount of alcohol he hadconsumed. "Whoa, if you bust your ass, expect me to remind you about it every day for the rest of the semester."

"I'll keep that in mind," Shane said before carefully stepping over the cooler containing the remaining three beers.

"Hey, where you goin'?" Rick called out as Shane exited.

"I gotta get back to my dorm; I've got a chem test at 9:30," replied Shane. "I'm going to shoot for a ninety percent, but I would be totally content with seventy-two."

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