A Fresh Start, My Best Friend

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Let's start fresh,
Rest your palm above my hand.
Let me make you my best friend.

Join me for the adventure,
Company me for the voyage of life.
This time,
We will be better,
This time,
We won't commit any stupid errors.
I promise,
We will be stronger,
The bond will be unbreakable.

If they call you mad,
Come, take my hand.
Let's run,
Let's jump,
Let's drive away till the end of the earth.

Heartaches, heartbreakes,
Let's forget all this fake!
Help me bulid a wonderland,
A place we control,
A place which feels like home.

Let's share our deepest thoughts,
Let's make this time the best of all.
Let's laugh away all the mistakes we made,
Let's do it all over again.

Let's start fresh,
Rest your palm above my hand.
Let me make you my best friend.

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