The Four Kings

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In the land of Roxland, a battle is commencing between the Sia's and the Corlax's.The two greatest species on legous.

The sia's are magical creatures, all of them had one individual power. but there race was dying out, due to this battle hundreds and thousands of Sia's have perished.

The might of the Corlax's was to strong. Corlax's are mighty creatures but they are very viscous and very hard to kill legions are no match for them. Corlax's are ten times the size of giants and thirty times the size of legions.

After years of fighting, there was only four Sia's left and a hundred Corlax's. it seemed as though the Sia's time was up. But one of the remaining Sia's called Retery, whose power is that he can create anything in matter of seconds out of thin air, came up with an idea.

" Brothers." He said to the remaining three Sia's." I have come up with an idea of a new weapon, which can kill the Corlax's with one cut. We can wipe out there whole race!"

Pyro, the self proclaimed 'master of fire' and one of the remaining Sia's was questioning Retery about this new weapon.

"Why didn't you come up with this before! Thousands of our brothers have perished and you only come up with this now!"

Retery was at first troubled for words but he then replied. "It never occured to me." He said in a rather meaningful but sad way.

"What do you mean it di.." Pyro was interupted by Bion , 'the controller of weather'

"Now now pyro don't get worked up, you might explode." He said jokingly. "It doesnt matter when he came up with it, all that matters is that he does make it."

Retery replied rather scared "Should i make it now?" There was a silence, Retery was waiting for Bion's answer but only Pyro replied.

"Of course you stupid idiot, we haven't got all day."

The room fell silent and suddenly Retery straightened up and his pupils turned grey, there was a gust of wind then suddenly a sword appeared in front of Retery and he returned to normal. It was a magnificent sword with a blue gem in the centre.

"Only one?" Pyro asked "Surely we need more."

Retery sat down and said "A sword with that much power cannot be copied. It is indestructible."

Once again there was silence but this time Bion broke it

" What's the plan Retery?."

Retery went into a long thought and then spoke "The plan is that Wirkley, will send the sword to the battlefield and make it attack every Corlax there. Then we will be victorious!" Retery exclaimed happily.

Wirkley the last of the remaining Sia's was in a corner listening to the conversation, he is the much more wiser one out of the four. Wirkley can control any object in the world but he hasn't been able to control living things as of yet.

"I will do the job as long as the sword works." He said.

"Of course it works." Retery replied.

"Then we do it." Wirkley said.

So Wirkley stood on the edge of the cave they were hiding, with the sword in front of him and sent it towards the Corlax's. One by one the Corlax's were falling, the huge creatures made the ground shake as they fell. There roars were tremendous but sad. In a matter of minutes all the corlax's were dead. The whole race was gone. The Sia's were victorious.

When the news got out to all other species on legous, there were tremendous parties and celebrations because the Corlax's had been such a threat for many centuries.

The four sia's were greeted like kings and after many community meetings between species they were announced as the four kings of Legous. They have had that title for eighteen years without any rebellion's. But that was all about to change.

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