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After a while, the boys got up and carried their father out towards the river. The river is where Legions send the dead, the dead float down into the waterfalls and are never seen again. As the boys watched their father float out into the distance, Jorge and Alexis came up to them and hugged them.

"we're so sorry for your loss." Jorge said.

"I hope he rests in peace" Alexis said.

"Thanks, both of you". Riley replied.

"How are you coping, Billy?" Jorge asked.

Billy didn't reply.

"Billy was much closer to my father than i was, it is much harder for him". Riley explained.

Suddenly Brent came on his horse

"Billy and Riley you two must come with me, the elders have called for a meeting. I'm sorry Jorge and Alexis but you can't come". Brent said.

"We understand". Alexis said.

So Billy and Riley climbed onto Brent's horse and they rode off towards the meeting point. All the elders were sitting down in front of a table and everybody else sat on the floor facing them.

"As you all might of heard, the four kings sent the trolls to invade our land. They have turned to evil and they want our land. But of course they can't take our land until every single one of us is dead." Elder Wedro explained. "I have been discussing with my fellow elders, and we must fight back against the Sia's. We will need all our men to go to battle."

Elder Wedro was interrupted by a flash of light, and then a group of men came walking towards them.

"I am Farlah, leader of Wizards. We all heard about the attacks and we decided if you were to go to battle, we will help you. If the four kings are invading you for your land then what's going to stop them from invading us for ours. Farlah explained. "We will stand by your side to the very end."

"Thank you Farlah, we appreciate it. We decided we will go to battle." Elder Wedro said.

"Then we will stand by you". Replied Farlah

One of the wizrds whispered into Farlah's ear.

"We have just recieved intelligance that half of the Giant species are heading our way, they too wish join you in battle." Farlah explained.

"Well that's brilliant!" Elder Wedro exclaimed.

A lot of talking and discussions were being made. then suddnely the giants arrived.

"We wish to join you in battle, Legions, but there is only half of us the other half wish to join the four kings. We decided that we will join because the Sia's killed our relatives, the Corlax's and we wish to avenge them." one of the giants explained.

"Thank you giants, we will go to battle next week. We need time to prepare our army." Farlah replied. "The meeting is now concluded, but i need to speak to Riley and to Billy very quickly, the rest of you may leave."

Riley and Billy were shocked, but they walked up to Elder Wedro.

"You wished to speak to us, sir." Riley said.

"Yes, before you two were born, your father gave me two amulets. He gave me them to give to you two when he dies. The amulets are powerful they will open when you need them to. You can't ask them to open." Elder Wedro explained. "Also i need you to gather a small army of seven and i need you to get species to join forces with us."

"So, we need to go to every land and ask every species to join us?" Riley asked.

"No, only three. The Sagur's, the Rith's and the Elves." Elder Wedro replied

"But the Sagur's are in Tagur. That's a very dangerous place." Riley cried.

"I know but i have complete trust in you and i know you will survive this mission." Elder Wedro assured Rilley.

"Okay, we'll do it." Riley said."

"Good. I insist that you pick one giant and one wizard to help you." Elder Wedro said smiling. "Now you may leave."

Billy and Riley both left and headed towards Alexis's hut.

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