The beginning

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I hope you like this, it's my first so comment please!

Hunter was done with school. He already knew all this stuff, his mom taught him. He even knew how he was going to die, but that's a story for another time. The teacher, Mr. Granger, droned on about how you solved this and this equation and all that, while Hunter, on the other hand, was wondering if he should ask his mother(s) if he could have Grangers fate changed to end right now, instead of in three years. See, Hunters mothers are the Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. They fell in love with his dad, Leonardo Ashe. So they came together as one woman, and the outcome, Hunter Ashe, son of the Fates. That means, he can see the future, and, with permission, change it. But seeing it, meant a vision. Visions, were horrible, trust me, horrible. Whenever he had one, his whole body was filled with pain. Sometimes, when they involved fire, he woke up with burns, and his clothes usually burnt away to nothing, leaving him naked. That was always embarrassing. It hasn't happened in a very public place, but in one school that he was at, he had a vision in front of a really cute girl, and his clothes burnt away, and well, it ended badly. She ran away screaming after, while he lay in pain for about an hour. An hour is normal, actually lucky. One time, he lay there for 3 hours before he could move. When a vision involves ice, he freezes up. Literally.

".... And so that is how you solve this kind of equation." Said Granger. *can anyone tell me how to do this one? Mister Ashe, can you?"

Hunter looked up and sighed gratefully. It was an easy one, thank the gods. "Uh, yeah I can." Granger looked at him in agony, as if this was annoying. "Mister Ashe, come to the front and solve it!"
Hunter got up and made the walk down the isle on between the desks. When he got to the chalkboard (yes, Granger still uses those), he did the equation and looked at Granger expectantly. He sighed,

"Good job, now sit down."

Hunter returned to his seat and took up the doodle he had left when he got up, but now, in the empty corner of the page, was a note. It was obviously a fast note, but the writing was still perfect.
Hunter Ashe,
Watch out, be careful and trust no one!
~Markus Hatch
Hunter had no idea who this Markus Hatch was, but maybe he should listen. Maybe, just maybe, a satyr would be here to pick him up. But Markus was not a satyrs name at all. It sounded like a more human name. Hunter scrunched up the paper and threw it in his desk. He would ignore it, he decided. It was probably a prank, like usual. He picked up a new paper, but this one had the same note, in the same spot. He looked through all his papers, and on every single one, was the same note, in the same spot. How could someone have written so much, in about 2 minutes. It was impossible. Hunter began to sweat. He knew this day would come, he was just unsure of when.
"Mister Granger?" Hunter said, raising his hand.
"What now Hunter?" Granger said slowly, like he was holding in his annoyance.
"Can I use the latrine?" Asked Hunter cautiously. Anything could set of Granger into a rage. That was something to avoid. Granger sighed. "If you hurry up, I suppose I could let you.
"Thanks!" Hunter got up and walked quickly to the door, and out into the hallway.
Once he reached the bathroom, he stepped into a stall, the one he used usually, and locked the door. Instead of the usual, clean gray door, in the dead center of the door, was a note. This one though, as different.
Hunter Ashe,
You're in danger. Do not return to class. Remember what I said. I am the only person here you can trust.
~Markus Hatch
Hunter panicked at this. Eventually, after arguing with himself for 10 minutes, he returned to class, against the mysterious persons note. He sat down at his desk, and suffered through 10 more minutes of math class. Afterwards, he gathered his things, and as he walked out the door, Mr. Granger called out after him,
"Mister Ashe, could I speak to you a minute?" Although it sounded like an order than a question. He was like that, very demanding.  Hunter turned and walked to the edge of Grangers desk.
"Uh, what would you like sir?"
"You've been causing a disturbance in my class, haven't you?" Hunter swallowed down a sarcastic comment.
"I'll uh, try to improve sir." Granger had a disappointed looks on his face, mixed with a look that almost made him look hungry. Odd, lunch was half an hour ago, maybe he didn't eat earlier.
"That's not enough!" Granger looked oddly hungry, and then his face changed to a monstrously huge gaping jaw and screamed, "You have disturbed the peace boy, and for that you will PAY!" And with that, he lunged straight at his face.

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