Chapter 2

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You have disturbed the peace boy, and for that you will PAY!" And with that, he lunged straight at his face.
Just before he sliced Hunter to shreds, a blond-haired boy came swirling into view, shrouded in a weird, oddly green, glowing mist. The bit spun 360 degrees and then jumped at the monster thing. Granger turned and growled, and attempted to bat the boy away. The boy, being very nimble, dodged the strike, slid beneath the monsters legs, and stabbed the beast in the stomach. The sword, that he had been holding, was hilt-deep in the things stomach, but it didn't bleed. Dust began to spill forth from the wound. The boy walked up to the beast and said, "Your days of terror are over, farewell." And with that, Granger disintegrated. The boy bent over to pick up his somehow still clean sword, which was bronze if some kind, and walked to Hunter. "Are you alright? Are you injured?" He said, concern etched on his face. "Uh.... Yeah..." Hunter managed to stammer. After seeing that display of skill, he felt guilty for refusing to be trained by the Fates, especially in sword fighting. All he knew, was how he got visions, and how to change the future. "Wh-who are you?" Hunter said, incredulous. The boy blushed, "Sorry, I should have introduced myself, I'm Markus Hatch. Son of Athena." With the last comment, he straightened his back and lifted his chin in pride. "So your Hunter Ashe? Pleasure to met you! Your the talk of the whole Camp, I'm so honored to meet you first!" He said, excitedly, and grinning from ear to ear. CRASH! Markus' head perked up at the sound and looked around cautiously. "Come on, we gotta go, there's no time to lose." Markus grabbed Hunters arm and dragged him to an open window, "Climb." He said, as he slipped through, and dropped to the ground. Hunter sighed, he really did t like small areas, but did he have a choice, no, duh! Hunter sighed again, but slipped through nonetheless. Once he was safely on the ground, and Markus and done a full check up for injuries, which he claimed was necessary and protocol, they ran to a big white can that said:
       Long Island STRAWBERRIES!
                       10$ a bucket
Markus pulled open the back door, pushed Hunter inside, looked both ways, and jumped in and slammed the door. "DRIVE!" He yelled and banged in the wall. The van lurched and sped off. Once sitting up, Hunter took in his surroundings. There was random weaponry, all somewhat like Markus' sword, and not much else. The people though, looked totally out of place. One boy, well, he wasn't sure what it was. It had a normal boy's body, but below that, was a goats legs and hindquarters. No pants, no shirt. Hunter quickly averted his eyes, but Markus nodded at him, like that was normal. Weird. The girl to the things left, was hot, and when I say hot, I mean HOT! She had warm brown eyes, her hair was the color of dark chocolate(his favorite), and her face, was so amazing, he has no words to describe it. Her features were perfect, proportions, fantastic, and the way that she studied him like she wanted to flatten him like a pancake, SEXY! He was so in love. "Uh... Hi...?" He said, hoping he didn't screw it up on his very first try. "Hi" she said tiredly. She looked up and saw him frown, "Sorry, I just don't want to be here." She said apologetically. Hunter shrugged, "Me neither." She smiled. Oh, he was so in love right now.
"We're here!" Markus said and slag the door open. They all piled out, when Markus slapped his forehead. "Intros! Sorry guys. Hunter, this is Sophi, Sophi, Hunter. Hunter, Damien, Damien, Hunter." He sighed, shaking his head. "I thought you were the smart one here?" Sophi said, snickering behind her fingers as she tried to mask it with a cough. Markus sighed, but smiled. "Yes, I am, and I will always be smarter." Damien oohed, "burn!" They all laughed. So this was demigod humor. Hunter shook his head and said, "So when do I get to meet Chiron?" They stopped and stared at him. "How do you know that name?" Said Markus, staring at him like he just lit on fire. "Uh, I'm a demigod, aren't I? I need to known these things to survive, right?" Hunter sighed, but then thought, they must not know that that Fates themselves taught him. He mentally shrugged, the would find out eventually, so why not now. "The Fates, my mothers, taught me." He said, without a second thought. "Y-your mom... Is the Fates?" They said, like that was completely absurd. "Yup!" Hunter said, smiling proudly. "I-i thought..." Markus began, but before he could say anything more, a girl poofed, literally, from know where, and said, "Hi! I'm Willow! I'm a Nymph, N-Y-M-P-H! I live over there!" She said, like an engine that was running too quickly, and pointed at a willow tree. "That's my house, obviously! I mean, my name is Willow, so DUH, of course I love in the willow, like, imagine I lived in an oak tree! That would be ridiculous!" She laughed to herself, but then looked up and saw Markus, who was staring at her like she was an angel, not a Nymph, and she squealed. "MARKUS!" She jumped into his arms and nuzzles his neck. "I missed you baby!" She kissed him, and when she finally pulled back(it took awhile), we could all see that Markus had turned beat red. "Um, guys this is my girlfriend, Willow. Willow meet Damien, Sophi, and a newcomer, Hunter." Willow looked at us all in turn, but glared at Sophi instead. She must think that Sophi was competition or something, but smiled sweetly. "Uh, hi." Said Hunter, with a little wave. Willow gasped, "You must be here to see Chiron!" She jumped upright, and grabbed Hunter shirtsleeve and dragged him to a big building, just past the tree lineof the forest. Once he reached the building he looked around and saw a huge gathering of cabins, a great big expanse of forest, and a glittering lake. Wow, he thought to himself, speechless. "I know right! It's beautiful!" Squeaked a voice in his ear. He jumped and looked back, and saw it was Willow. She was an odd bird. He would have to remember that. "Yeah, it is." He said, looking back over the lake. "I have to say, I thought you would be more impressive." Said a different voice behind him. Hunter turned, and saw that his nightmares, had begun.

Vote, comment, and whatever else you guys do! Thanks for reading!

Special thanks to:
CameronSecrest for the encouragement and ideas!

gir5552 for the support!

Alena_The_Fangirl for the support as well!

AisuChocola for encouraging me!

And for all of you,
Thanks for helping me with my writers block! :)

One more thing, 2+ votes for next chappy! So vote, comment! You can find me on Twitter at:
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PS: I need a cover photo, so plz make me one! I would really appreciate it!

I am a rebel, so, more things!;)
I wanna get to know you guys, so email me, text me(romanpraetor on kik), Twitter, telegram(eternalpraetor715), etc....
I like Owl City, imagine dragons, PJO, HoO, etc...
Find me on Pinterest(caleb 1652)
I make this up as I go so don't judge me.
Stay fabulous my dear readers,
Yours fabulously,

PS: I need a nickname/fandom name for us! Comment below!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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