The Descendants.

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It was a beautiful night. The sun setting in the horizon, casting a gorgeous orange glow across the warm August sky. Most people were still outside spending quality time with their loved ones. But little did they know that somewhere on a nearly abandoned back road, Ebony Pierce's life would soon change forever...

Ebony and her Mother had just picked up her sister from what's-his-names house; a place her sister wasn't supposed to be. Ebony was in the back seat while were having another one of they're world famous yelling matches. The more and more the fight escalated, the more uncomfortable the atmosphere became. The air in the car became thick with tension and anger, you could practically taste the hatred forming. Ebony had always been incredibly claustrophobic and had very bad anxiety. Usually, she could handle short car rides like this one, but with the fight getting more intense, she began panicking.

The space of the car began to close in to little more than a shoe box and the air became thinner, making it impossible for her to breathe. The passengers in the front of the car were totally oblivious to the episode happening behind them. She felt close to death, her breath becoming shorter, her heart speeding faster than light, her brain pounding into the hard walls of her skull.

That's when the rain came.

Starting at a slow drizzle then escalating into a heavy downpour. Gallon sized buckets being poured onto the windshield. The thunder then started. It was louder than a bass drum on steroids. The lightning came with it, large beams of electricity reaching down to the earth. The sky was crashing down onto them.

Ebony was the first to see it. The large yellow ball of light in front of their vehicle. She screamed, then it ended. All happening much too fast for her to comprehend. Her mother the steering wheel to the side, slamming on the breaks, then flipping the maybe five times. Her entire life flashed before her eyes and before she knew it, it was over.

She had to army crawl out of the shattered window of her moms upside down station wagon. Broken glass embedding itself into her soft arms. The adreniline from the previous event slightly stopped the pain. She brought herself to her feet and turned around to see the horrific scene she had just escaped. The car had totaled and her sisters mangled, lifeless body was sprawled 30 feet behind the car. Her mothers air bag snapped her neck. The heavy rain caused blood and gasoline to spread across the entire road.

Speechless, she dropped to her knees and cried. She screamed, she cursed to whoever was responsible for this, she questioned why both their lives had been taken and why not hers. Her entire body was overthrown with emotions. The storm raged on, declaring its victory on the lives it just taken. Then just like that her body went limp and she fell onto the cold wet pavement.


It has been done. The prophecy has come to life. We have created our Descendants. Having granted a fraction of all of powers, they will not only soon be not only the perfect human, but angelic. 12. 6 male, 6 female. Their fates will be intertwined so they will join together to fulfill their purpose on Earth. To destroy the monsters we've created. Although they are our creations to keep them from turning on us they each have an individual weakness. Now the time has come. To complete the prophecy. Each of they're human Mothers must die ans the person they hold most dearly. Once their human lives have ended, they may be reborn. Ebony, your time is now. When you awaken, your past life will be gone, and you will live again as our creation...


Ebony's P.O.V.

"My god! She's waking up! Ebony? Ebony, sweetheart?", my fathers distinct, yet unfamiliar voice floods into my mind.

As I awaken from what I thought was my eternal slumber, reality hits me. My mother and sister are dead. They were the only ones there for me, through everything. Now they're gone. Forever. Images from that night flood back into my mind. The storm. The crash. That, voice. What was that? Was I dreaming? Was it real?

While I was still figuring it all out, the doctor fucking blinded me with his tiny flash light. "Alright young lady, I'm gonna ask you a few questions to make sure you're really okay for me let you loose. What is your full name?"

"Ebony Aria Pierce."

"How old are you?"


"What is your fathers name?"

"Gerard Pierce"

"Your mothers?"

"Doesn't matter. She's Dead."

The doctor sighs then turns to my dad, "it doesn't appear that she has any serious brain trauma. I'll just finish some paperwork then you can take her home."

My dad nods and the doctor leaves. "I brought most of your clothes from your mothers. We can stop by later to get the rest of your stuff. You'll live with me in Port Townsend til you graduate."

I was four when my parents seperated. Since then lived with my mom, only visited dad in the summer and every other holiday. To me, he was just a stranger that the court forced me to see. Now I'm being forced to live in that shithole the residents call a town.

Luckily Doc came back with my paperwork and talked with my dad. I went in the bathroom so I could change out of this mumu. Glimpsing in the mirror, 'I look like shit'. The bags under my eyes made me look 20 years older, mascara was in clumps that nearly glued my shut, and my hair looked like I hadn't brushed it in monthes. I changed into my favorite ripped jeans and a nirvana tee, washed the old makeup off in the sink, and had a battle trying to brush my hair with the shitty comb a nurse gave me.

Walking to my dads car was probably the most awkward experience of my life. Not a single word was spoken. I guess theres nothing TO say when your ex-wife and daughter were just killed and you have to take in your other daughter whom you rarely even talk to. The second my butt hit the seat I was blasting my iPod, long ride. Then with hardly any effort, I dozed off.


Hey y'all! started a new story lemme know what ya think! and no edit so super sorry for any and all mistakes!

-Blu Demonte

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