Chapter 1

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Ebonys P.O.V.

        I dont really believe in lucid dreaming. I've always been in control while I was sleeping. This is the same forest as every night: beautifully unreal. I run along a narrow deer trail, tonight I'm not sure what I'm running from. It's strange, I never run. The clearing is right ahead. Whatever I'm running from, will be easier to fight out there. But there, in the middle of  the meadow, was the boy I've dreamt about since  I was little. Alex.

          You could say we were together, but the relationship was much, much more. Even first meeting him, he wasn't a stranger. It was as if we'd known each other since the dawn of time. It was more than soulmates. Our fates, our hearts, our souls, were intertwined.

       he greets me with that heart-racing smile. A word to describe Alex was perfection. Short dark hair up and swept to the side, incredibly green eyes, and a very nice body. "Hello lover", he says jokingly as he leaned in to kiss me. I part my lips to meet his. He wastes no time deeping the kiss, making it alot more intense than I thought it would be. Then again, everything we do is intense.

      We're interupted when a strange creature come stumbling out of the forest. Alex draws his sword and readys himself in a fighting stance, but I don't. This is unlike any beast I've battled before, he's smaller less menacing. It cowers making itself seem more innocent and afraid. It raises its head and I'm paralyzed in awe. It's beautiful.

      Just then, a large roar bellows from the brush causing the entire forest to shake. Woodland race from the forest and birds fly out in a swarm. I hear trees being thrown and a low angry growl. The large angry beast has made himself known, he charges, and...


     My dads heavy fist against my windows causes my body to jolt forward abrubtly awakening me. We've stopped at a gas station just outside Port Townsend. "Come on Eb! Last stop til home." Yeah, home.

     The inside of the mini mart was dingy, the cashier was a middle-aged women with 5 pounds of make-up and an annoyed look on her face, and the placed reeked of cigarettes and beer. I made my way towards the back of the store to the drinks.

      I stare aimlessly at the cooler when a male voice breaks the silence, "do you like the band?"

  I look over to see a young blonde guy. I look around me wondering if he was talking to someone else, then i realized his question was directed toward me. "Excuse me?"

  "Your shirt", he says nodding toward my Nirvana tee, "do you actually like the band or are you one of those girls who buys it 'cause everyone else did?"

  Somewhat by his question I respond with,"I love Nirvana. They're one of my favorite bands, its sad that they cant make music anymore."

   He smiles, "Very true. Its nice to know some girls have good taste in music. You from around here?"

  I nod, "just moved here."

 His smile widens, " Welcome to town miss?"


"Micah Rivers. Beautiful name by the way"

   He wasn't really my type, blonde-hair-blue-eyed boy, but he was pretty cute. For some reason I had an interesting attraction towards him. He made me feel like I was melting while at the same time, made me feel like the strongest person alive. Alot of feelings for a guy you just met. hopefully he goes to the high school.


I needed a run. Meeting dads girlfriend was one thing, but learning that she, and her obnoxious daughter, were now 'family' was too much. i had to clear my head.

     It took me a bit to realize I was being followed. I picked up my pace a little bit, not daring to look back again. Listening to the sound of his foot steps, he went faster too, and he was catching up. I went even faster, so did he. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my pepper spray. I turned around and sprayed a pretty decent amount into his face but my legs woudn't let me run. The dark haired stranger wiped his face then looked at me, "well that was mean." Just like that he threw over and began trudging into the woods.

   After about 5 minutes of kicking and screaming he finally threw me down onto the ground. Crouching down so he was eye level with me, he smiled, "Hey Ebony."

 Trying my best not to cry or freak out, "what do you want from me creep?"

"I'm just trying to make new  friends here", his response was dripping with sarcasm and had a good smirk afterward.

 "Dragging someone into the middle of the woods isn't the best way to make friends."

He sighs, "well, Ebony, I have been chosen to mentor you through the changes you're about to go through. Which also means I get to reveal your true fate." I arch my eyebrows in confusion. He continues, "unlike the other mentors I'm just gonna come straight out and tell you that are one the lucky few... DESCENDANTS!" The last words he said yelled like a game show host.

"dafuq is a descendant? Mentor me? And how do you know my name?"

He stands up and starts pacing, "dammit! How come you guys always forget? Cant they make where I only hve to explain this once? Ok. So you know those greek gods you learned about in 6th grade? Well they were and still are real. Like a gazillion years ago they unleashed a ton of these evil freakbeasts onto earth to make people praise them more. It worked but they couldn't figure out how to get rid of them. That's when they made you guys! They created an elite group of superhumans, added a little bit of all their power into each of you with one small weakness: they called you the descendants. The gods sent you to earth to kill off whats left of the beasts."

  All I could do was sit there and stare blankly. "Are you high or just crazy?" I stood up to head back to the main road but he stopped me.

    "I can prove it to you." I look up to his face and before i could respond he pushed me, hard. i probably flew back ten feet before landing hard on my ass. He shrugged, "I have superhuman strength and speed to protect you until you're ready. But you're already stronger than I am. So hit me back."

    I dont know why, but I stood up, brushed myself off, and punched him as hard as I could in his chest. he flew up in the air before slamming into a tree and hitting the ground. I laughed, it felt good hitting him. He stood up and smirked, "you hit like a girl."

  "You can mentor me, but whats your name?"

 He smirks, "Laric."


Author's Note

Hey dolls! What do you think? I like Laric;) please vote and if you like add to your reading list or reccomend to followers. Sorry for any and all mistakes.

-Blu Demonte

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