-_-_-_- Hours after driving-_-_-_-
"So... uhm... where are we going?" I asked Michelle. "To Jisgaw, Washington." She answered as we drove down Highway 23. "Oh." I mummbled. Some moments of silence passed and Michelle spoke. "I need to rest my eyes, I've been squinting for about an hour now."
"Want me to drive?" i asked.
"Yes please." She answered.
"Pull over then."
" Hold on."
"Just hold on, geez..."
I sighed and waited, "Fine..." She pulled over after 2 minutes and switched seats. I sighed and started driving, closing my eyes; going into a weird day dream.
"Hey." I heard behind me. I turned around and found a girl with golden caramel skin, brown eyes with a hint of orange and green in the middle. She was skinny but not the anorexic kind of skinny. She had shoulder-length brown hair, it looked so soft and silky....
I stood there in a bit of a trance. "H-hey..." I studdered. Her eyes glowed softly and grinned, reaching towards me and flicked my nose. she giggled. i blinked, i was staring at the road; going slower than a snail. Good thing the highway was practically always empty. i stepped on the gas and lurched forward, speeding down the highway. Thinking about the girl i saw in my day dream. This kind of thing never happened before... l tried thinking about something else but whenever i tried my mind was mired in fog. my mind seemed to wander back to this girl and her beautiful eyes... I needed to know who she was. But for now, I need to drive.
Strange... strange indeed.
The rest of the drive, my mind went back and forth, from my daydream and back to reality, like an ongoing cycle... That is until Michelle woke up and offered to drive. I pulled over and we switched seats. I reclined back and closed my eyes, entering another daydream.

ParanormalI hate moving. Like hate it to death. But new beginnings are good for a person... Apparently, when i moved to Jigsaw... It wasn't a new beginning. Instead, it was a continuation of a much older story. One long forgotten by mankind, but forever remem...