When I openned my eyes, I wasn't in the car anymore; instead I was in a clearing in a forest. I sat up and looked around, it was colorful, filled with so many different kinds of flowers. The next thing I noticed was humming. It was soft, and barely audible. So i decided to follow it.
I stood up and looked in the general direction of where it was coming from. I walked closer and closer to the voice. The beautiful melody seemed to have me in a trance, it slipped into my mind and echoed through it... Making me think of nothing but of how beautiful this song was.
I walked past the brush and trees. I come to find a girl. She looked around my age, she was short, and very petite. she had long hair, it ran halfway down her back. "uh... hey.." I greeted her. She turned, "Hello Ire. It's been a while, hasn't it...?" She smiles. Her eyes were caramel colored, her skin was slightly tanned... "Yeah, it has." I answered. What the Hell am I saying?! I haven't even seen you before!!
in my mind I say one thing, And my mouth says another. "Why did you do it...?" I asked. "Why did I do what?" She asked, feigning innocence... "Don't toy with me, Christine. Why did you do it? Why did you slaughter my family?! ANSWER ME!" I felt anger, but it wasn't mine. "And now... I'm cursed...."
"It is a gift to be one of us. In fact you should be honoured with this gift." She calmly interrupted. I suppressed a growl. "I don't want this... This isn't what I had in mind." And once again, she interrupts. "We merely slaughtered an entire family that was of any threat to us; our secret is not to be found out. And... Of course, we save the one whom we deem worthy to live." She points at me.
"How can you call this living?! You take humans as your mates and bleed them dry. All you are is a parasite. You drain the life of a human, and toss them out as if they're scraps for the hounds! Being a leech! Is not living!" I growled. I turn from the girl, and I ran. I didn't know where. But I ran. I opened my eyes; I'm back in the car I was breathing hard. "What the Hell was that?!"

FantastiqueI hate moving. Like hate it to death. But new beginnings are good for a person... Apparently, when i moved to Jigsaw... It wasn't a new beginning. Instead, it was a continuation of a much older story. One long forgotten by mankind, but forever remem...