Chapter Six

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Jake's POV

"I'm telling you mom, this girl really needs my -- our help. I really --"

"Jake, remember the last girl you helped? What was the outcome of helping that girl?"

I rolled my eyes. That was so uncalled for, bringing her up. This time was different, Alex was different. My mom stared at me intensely while my dad rubbed her back trying to help calm her down...though, it was unknown why she was even upset. Why couldn't we help Alex out? We had the space and means to do so.

"Mom, this is different. Alex is different. I swear."

She looked exhausted. As if she was tired of hearing the same broken record of me begging to help someone. Most times my reasons were genuine but the last time, I have to admit I did a lot of things wrong. Alex would be different though. I just had to convince my well as myself. 

I excused myself from the table and made my way up to my room. Thoughts of Alex laying on her bed all bloody and bruised kept popping up in my mind like annoying notifications. I wanted to shut my mind off so badly. My phone pinged and I grabbed it excitedly causing my desk lamp to fall off my computer desk due to my rush. I half expected the notification to be about Alex but, I knew better. She wouldn't be texting me.

A soft knock on my door forced me back to reality and I saw my annoying younger cousin, Robert stick his head in my room. He really should learn the reason behind knocking on someone's door. He walked over to the bean bag chair and plopped himself unto it, he had the biggest smirk on his face and I could probably guess why he was in my room right now.

"I heard you want to help another girl. Do I need to remind you of what happened last time?" he stretched his legs out lazily and waited for my reply.

"No. I don't need or want you to do that, I remember it all too well. But, I'm telling you Rob this time is different. This girl -- Alex -- she's special --"

He laughed bitterly and I had a feeling that he was not impressed with the way I spoke about Alex.

"That's the exact same thing you said about that other girl. Maybe you do need me to remind you."

"That was redundant, what you said."

Robert raised his eyebrows and waited for me to explain, "you said the exact same. Those words meanings are alike so you using them both in your sentence was redundant."

"Are you seriously giving me an English lesson while we're having such an important conversation?" I opened my mouth to answer, "don't answer that. That was rhetorical. Anyways, like I was saying you should probably take this new girl off your mind. Not everyone needs or even wants your saving bro. Just let it go."

He made his way to my door again while laughing and exited my room without another comment. I laid in bed thinking about what he just said. What if he was right? What if Alex didn't need my saving? Maybe she just wants to fight this battle with her dad alone. I should have just left her alone when I first glimpsed her. But, I couldn't. She drew my attention from a mile away. I loved the way she would smile even though she was hurting inside- literally. I love the way she noticed the small things in life because she never really had the big things. Too bad she was pushing me away. I really could give her a better life. Doesn't every girl want a prince charming?


My alarm woke me the next morning. I was beginning to wake earlier to see Alex. She took the bus and to get there on time I had to get up earlier. I normally drove but I doubt Alex would like me picking her up for school. This girl did not give me a chance to show how caring I could be and it was irritating to say the least. Most girls would eat this stuff up and be crawling at my feet, that's what I was used to happening. Alex was different though and I liked that about her. She was going to humble me, I was sure of it. 

I was sweating profusely when I arrived at the bus and just as I walked up, so did Alex. She looked surprised to see me here. 

"Hi." I said, tiredly.

She smiled, "hey. Were you running?"

"Yeah, I thought exercising while on the way to school was a smart idea. Obviously, I didn't think about how much I'll be sweating afterwards. " I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes. Almost as if she didn't believe my story. I didn't even believe my story. 

"Okay then, good for you."

"Listen, princess, I'm sorry about coming in your room the other night."

She looked away. What did I do now?

"Yeah. That was very much uncalled for, you don't even know me."

"But, I can help if you'll just let me. I can show you how love is --" I clamped my hand over my mouth. Why did I stay these things to intentionally scare her away? Lucky before I could turn any redder Brit walked up. She hugged her best friend and smirked at me.

"Hey, Jake?" Brittany had this huge smile plastered across her face. She really found me being embarrassed hilarious.

"Hmmm?" I had way too many things on my mind to focus on whatever joke Brittany was going to make.

"Why are you so red?" She squeezed my cheeks causing them to turn a deeper shade of red. I groaned and slapped her hand away," Stop." Alex laughed. Her laugh was music to my ears.

"When since do you take the bus?" Brittany smirked at me.

"Since she..." I trailed off. I was just coming off as a desperate love sick boy. That's not the impression I want her to have of me. I had to play hard to get just like she was doing. I had to make her want me. I knew just how to do that. No one can resist me -- the last girl I helped was proof of that.

Author's Note: Hello guys...this is Jake's side. It is kind of challenging at times to write from a guy's POV but I hope you liked his view and I hoped you liked the chapter over all. As always, stay safe. 

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