Chapter 1

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The blood splattered the bed with a sound of a thud.

I inhaled the smell of the dark red liquid. As usual, the smell would take me quite by surprise. But that was only because this person was new.

And by new, I mean by me killing him of course.

The smell of fresh blood always made a shocking chill swift up my body. As if something electric and stunning was surging all throughout me.

That was the feeling I always got when I killed someone.

And if felt pretty darn good.

This girl is crazy you may be thinking.  

Or she must be a vampire or some supernatural creature.

But sorry your quite wrong. In fact, I'm just a normal 17 year old teenager.

But I lied when I said I was normal. I'm anything but that.

I was a lot of things actually. Kind of like an entrepreneur.

I was unique.

I was also a young and very beauitful killer.

Why a killler, you may ask me?

Well. Only because I can be.

But that part is for later. Back to now.

I took the knife that had a moment ago helped me accomplish my job by slicing the man's neck, and was now dripping with blood, and raised it to my nose.

I breathed in the scent of human flesh and held onto the scent for as long as possible, then I exhaled.

The moment was pleasant and refreshing to me, just making my skin crawl with anticipation.

I looked down at the lifeless body that was between my legs and I sighed.

The man that was now dead was named Hugo Clarke, a 43 year old, filthy rich man.

He owned his own company which purchased illegal computer chips and out of date merchandise which was also illegal. He lived in a huge mansion by himself, which was stacked with high tech security and his squad with whom he worked with.

He was popular with people, in making money, and with the ladies although I had no idea why. Hugo was nothing but a short fat chunky man with very little handsome qualities on him. He hardly had any hair, just hair surrounding the sides of his round head and completly bald in the middle. His teeth barred more plaqiue when he smiled hugely, mostly from all of the cigarettes or cuban cigars he smoked a day. Hugo was described as many things.

Hugo was also a pervert.

I knew that when he spotted me at the Paris Las Vegas casino. He had checked me out across the table from me as I was winning at my game. He made an effort in trying to impress me with winning money and checking me out the whole while.

I made sure to even flirt back with him and lean down more revealing more cleavage to him as I played along, making my role as innocent as possible. My black and gold dress did the deal and the light brown wig I had on made him look at me as a very young but sexy girl.

After winning a load of money for the fifth time, he finally approached me.

He made small talk while I batted my eyelashes and smiled at him the whole time, making him fall for the trap that I was setting.

He asked me if I were alone and if I were single. He also asked for my age. I told him I was 17. He seemed surprised at my age, and I reassured him that I was under age. And he still kept pressing on. He told me that he was staying in Vegas for the week and he invited me back to his room which he made sure to tell me was at the finest hotel around and was where we could be absoutely alone, with no distractions or wondering eyes.

Being the charmer that I was, I said yes with a huge smile on my face, acting as if I were excited by the fact that I was going to a hotel with a rich man.

So back to the hotel we rode, in his personal lemo, where he groped onto my thigh and tried to kiss me. His eyes were more on my raised up breasts then they were on me.

I played my part well and kept him occupied by rubbing his neck and whispering sexy things in his ear.

And he fastly fell for my trap.

Back at the hotel is where he made his bodyguards stay downstairs and out of his way, and where he led me upstairs to his suite where he poured us both a glass of wine and then became the horny, beast that I knew he would be.

He touched me almost everywhere and I held my breath when his lips touched mine and a waft of his very bad breath filled my nostrils. He grasped for the zipper on the back of my dress. hungry for my body.

I made him take the dress off and I took my slip off revealing to him my black lace cleaveage. Then I layed down on the bed and told him to come and get me. He did so by climbing on top of me and then kissing all over my neck.

After that, I sat up to where my back was leaning on the headboard and where I turned and cut off the lamp. I told him that I wanted to be on top, and I told him to sit back on me and relax. He did so. I massaged his shoulders and while my one hand pampered him, I slid my other hand in the back of my panties and pulled out the pocket knife that I had kept hidden in them perfectly well.

He was more then relaxed before I whispered my final words to him, and the last words he would ever here.

" You have something that I want. That's your money. And I will have it."

He gasped the slightest before my knife ended his rich life.

A trap that had been set, and my prey had been caught, and had fell for the trap.

That was the way that I liked it.

And it was what I got..

Next chapter will be here shortly.

Hope u guys enjoy. Leave comments.

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