Oswald Cobblepot - Swinging Singer

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( Requested by awesome_fangirl_57 )

The stage lights of Oswald Cobblepot's club shone on you as you sang. You looked into the audience and moved your gaze around the room. All eyes were on you, except for two pairs. A young couple who seemed to be out on a first date. They were talking amongst themselves in what seemed to be a slightly heated argument.

You sang but still watched intently as the argued. At one point, the man grabbed the woman's arm and you tensed up. At one point in your life, you had been in an abusive relationship and he had done that same exact thing.

You ignored your urge to jump off stage and contined singing. That was what you were being paid for anyway. You finished your song, and as the lights faded, a slap rang through the establishment. The woman clasped her cheek and began crying.

You knew what that was. No one else seemed to care or pay attention. But you? No. There was no way you would let that man get away with that. You removed your shoes and jumped off the stage. You walked right up to the table and looked into the mans eyes.

"How dare you." You spat, "How dare you hit this woman."

"It none of your business." He hissed.

The lady simply hid her face in her hands and cried silently.

"Hitting women isn't your business either. No man has that right."

He grabbed your arm and began squeezing. Your mind flashed back to all the times he grabed you. You were filled with unbridled rage. You punched him right in the nose.

The look on his face was priceless. The utter shock, anger, and fear plastered on his face made a little bit of your heart smile.

Before he could retaliate, Oswald Cobblepot himself approached you all.

"What seems to be the problem here?" He asked. He was obviously annoyed by the scene you were causing.

"This man hit this poor lady, and I did something about it. After two years in a abusive relationship, I can't stamd to see men hit women." You said with out an ounce of regret.

"I understand, Ms. (Y/n)." Oswald said. You were surprised. You expected him to be angry, "Butch, come and retrieve this vile man. And please call this young lady a cab."

Butch grabbed the man's collar and pulled him out. The young lady got up and headed to the front.

"You did well, Ms. (Y/n)." Oswald smiled, "Will you join me for a drink?"

"I would love to, Mr. Cobblepot."

'Please, call me Oswald." He said.

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