Friend Zoned (Ch.8)

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Chapter 8


Harry's POV


I had to get out of there. I wasn't going to ball my eyes out in front of Niall because A.) The others would hear me and B.) Niall would start crying too...and it should be illegal to make Niall cry. I was driving down the streets crazy fast and had tears pouring out my eyes. I was headed towards Louis and I's flat, because I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. As I pulled up to our apartment I got a call from Liam. I quickly answer.

"I know that something is wrong so you might as well tell me." He says through the phone.

"What do you mean?? N-nothings wrong..." I tell him trying to hide my scratchy voice from crying.

"Harry, I can hear you crying into the phone now what's wrong?" He asks.

"I can't tell you... You will tell Louis," I say.

"Harry... Please don't tell me that you like Louis, Because I am 100% sure he's not ga-"

"NO!! LIAM WHY IN THE WORLD-... I DONT LIKE LOUIS I LIKE CLAIR! I scream into the phone. Well great there goes the secret thing.



"Oh...Um well at least that's better than you being I have no clue how to respond to that at all." Liam says

"Its ok.... just don't tell Louis, Zayn, or Clair ok?" I ask

"I wont I promise..." he says and I hang up the phone. URG I HATE MY LIFE. I hop out of the car and unlock the apt. door. The living-room lights are still on??? I guess Louis forgot to turn them off...again. I go into the living room and find a letter...what? It says to Louis on the front in a familiar cursive writing. Its already been opened. I know I'm not supposed to but I read it....

(The Letter)

Dear Lou-Lou,

I told you he kissed me first. he was just so much like you that I HAD to kiss back. I mean you are always with that brat Clair anyways and you've probably kissed her more than once! I know you still love me I mean who doesn't? Im hot, popular, and partially famous! are you seriously going to let all of this go? and what date that Ugly, pathetic, little girl.girls ell actually she's probably not even human but you get my point. Just meet me at Starbucks at 1:30 Wednesday and we can make up!

I love you

- El<3

"Harry??" I look up and see Louis standing 2 feet away from the couch...which I was sitting on. I stand up.

"What might this be, Lou Lou?" I ask angrily. His eyes widen

"I..well....umm..." He stutters

"You weren't going to tell her? I bet you've been in contact with EL this WHOLE time andYou know what??? I bet you were going to do exactly what it says in the letter and just play her like that. I bet you ANYTHING if I look in your phone it will have Starbucks with El marked on tomorrows date for 1:30... isnt it Louis? Because you still DO love Elenour, Louis don't you" I ask.

"NO!" He screams through tears," I love Clair and I only was going to go tomorrow to tell Elenour that I didn't love her anymore!"

"Oh sure that's why you are crying over her?"

"I don't like Eleanor I like Clair and I know you like her too! Eleanor was a mistake to date! she's done that a million times and I was done with it! I DON'T LOVE HER ANYMORE!

" sorry Louis....I- I didn't know.." I apologize

"No thats not why I was crying, its because my best friend for 4 or 5 years would turn on me when it comes to a girl...thats what hurts Harry.." He says

"Im sorry Boo Bear....are you ok? i ask and he smirks.

"Yeah but I am still getting Clair! Louis says looking at me.

"Yeah? Well... May the best boyfriend win" I say smirking.

"So a competition?!" He agrees with me and heads to his room.

"Yes and...Well time to start planning!!" I say to myself then head off to my room with a pen and a notebook. we both have 3 hours to plan until the movie with Clair


Clair's POV.


*2 hours later...*

What should I wear??? URG I HATE BEING A GIRL!!!!!. I get a text from Harry:

From: Hazza ;)

Wear Something nice ;)

well hmm..... weird, but ok. I grab my lavender party dress and lace heels out of my suitcase. I pair my teardrop pendent necklace and my diamond ring with it. I make my hair go in waves and put on some of my Our Moment perfume!! Then I quickly do my makeup and grab my phone and go on twitter waiting for Lou and Haz to pick me up. I get some hate and stuff being Louis best friend and all but most fans like me! I see a picture of me and Zayn earlier during a game of truth or dare. We had been dared to Run around the block dressed in Tu-Tu's and Fairy wings Screaming "I LOVE NIALL AND LIAM!!!! THEY ARE THE HOTTEST MOST TALENTED GUYS I HAVE EVER MET!!" of course Niall AND Liam posted it on twitter and tagged Zayn and I in it. I'm pretty sure Zayn is going to get some revenge because his comment was:

@NiallOfficial and @Real_Liam_Payne , Remember when we played Truth or Dare in Nashville??? >:).......

so I put:

@zaynmalik Can I help with this any??? Text me the deets!!

5 seconds later I get a picture of Niall and Liam Wearing tons of makeup, pink Tu-Tu's, and Heels from Zayn!!! He said to spread it on twitter and get #NiallandLiamsPayback trending with it. Soooooo I Get back on and see that Zayn has already posted it and tagged them in it so I do the same. Soon the pic is plastered all over twitter and #NiallandLiamsPayback is trending!! I hear a knock on the door so I put the phone down and open it and Harry and Louis step out..... In Tuxedoes??

"Umm.... Wow." That was all I could say. They looked like..... I cant even describe how good they looked. They were like Models except hotter. Wow.

"Hello Gorgeous!" Harry walks up and gives me a peck on the cheek and Louis does the same. I grab my phone and wallet and we head out the door to Harry's car. Louis Opens the passenger door for me and I hop in. Then Harry sits in the drivers seat and Louis sits in the back. After pulling out of the apt. driveway I realize I still don't know where we are going.

"Hey Haz?" I ask.


"Umm wear exactly are we going?" I ask. He looks over at Louis then at me and smirks. Still not answering my question. About 5 minuets after we stop at a theater..... but not like a movie theater, a play theater.

"What are we doing here???" I ask the guys.

"Well instead of the boring movies..Me and Louis are coming to watch a special performer." Harry says.

"Who is it?" I ask. Louis looks over to Harry and Harry nods.

"You." He says........... WHAT?

(HEYYYYYY!! Sorry that I've been so long with the chapter!! I have been really busy and I had just started a new story! soooooooo what do you think about Harry and Louis love rivalry? What do you think of the letter?? Why do you think Clair is freaked out about singing??? Well keep reading and find out!!! also I promise I will update sooner!!! And when you get done reading this Chapter go look at my other story Summer Love!!! I know its not 1D related but I think its really good and my friends agree!!! Well I will see you next Chappie my sparkly unicorns!!! Peace out!! ~Chloe)

Friend Zoned: A Louis Tomlinson/ Harry Styles Fanfic (NOT LARRY)Where stories live. Discover now