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The cold tile of the bathroom wall bit into my back as I sat slumped against it; watching aimlessly as streams of dark crimson blood oozed from my wrist.  I could feel myself slowly becoming weaker and weaker. That didn’t matter to me though. I welcomed it. I welcomed the feeling of my life slowly and painfully draining from my body. That pain was pain I could handle. I could deal with physical pain, I could think through it, and whatever came next surely had to be better than the hell I was subjected to here.  

Numbly I twirled the pocket-sized sterling silver razor blade around my fingers. My mind was chaos and it was becoming harder and harder to formulate coherent thoughts. I couldn’t even remember why I had done this…it all seemed so trivial now. I wanted to say it had something to do with my brother but…I just didn’t care anymore. All I cared about was the relief that would finally come.

 I tried to focusing through my insanity, but the deep vertical slashes cut on my wrist were slowly drawing me away. I wondered if anybody would even miss me…

Blood had started to drip its way onto my soft grey cotton pajamas, soaking through those easily, and pooling on the floor around me staining the pristine white tile a ghastly bright red.

My eyelids felt like they had weights on them that were getting heavier and heavier with each passing second. Eventually I stopped fighting to keep them open. It was just too much work. A small ‘plip’ registered in the back of my mind as I became too weak to hold the razor blade anymore. My body slowly began slumping from the support of the wall until I collapsed completely on to the floor.

My senses slowly began to fade until there was just nothingness around me. The last to fade away was my hearing; which I still managed to pick up the soft bang of the bathroom door opening and the very distinct sound of my mother’s tunneled ear splitting screams.


♥♥ Alright guys…there is the prologue I hope you liked it! Chapter one will be up soon. I apologize about this taking so long but I wanted to make it good =D. It is kind of dark but I promise the story will get better! ♥♥

♥♥ Thank for all the comments and support it truly inspires me to write on. As always comment, vote, and fan. I love hearing from you! ♥♥

Until next time lovely’s,

                                      ♥Peace, love, and writing, ♥


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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