Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Chapter 1: The Beginning 

 “Sometimes we have to sacrifice our own happiness in order to feel alive.”

It was one of those weird bipolar days, it was hot one minute and the next it was extremely cold. The weather truly had changed a lot in the past few or say years. It was a horrible day to start school, well who liked going to school after a long two months of summer vacation right?

It was around 6:30 a.m. when the alarm started to ring, making the whole house vibrate, and its loud obnoxious sound waking up everyone in the house. It was a bad day to start with since school was starting, and the alarm just made everything worse with its stupid beep beep sound that wouldn’t stop unless someone stopped it.

“Chanyeol honey wake up!!” A woman said from the house’s kitchen trying to wake up her son.

A boy, with wavy dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, long piano fingers, and tall, groaned as he shut the alarm off, sitting up on bed rubbing his eyes gently as he yawned stretching smiling as he got off of bed opening the window looking outside with a smile.

The boy made his way to the bathroom as he turned the shower on making his mom smile, since he was now awake, she continued to cook as she hummed to herself while the boy took a warm shower relaxing his whole body as he washed his body and hair getting out after a few minutes before he got ready for school.

The boy’s mom smiled as she put her plate in the boys spot as she sat in front of his seat waiting for her 10 year old child to sit with her and eat with her. She loved her child more than anything in the world, and she was glad she hadn’t listen to anyone about giving him away for adoption, she was happy, and even if they weren’t rich, they were happy.

Once the boy was done he went downstairs and stopped in the middle of the stairs as he saw blood flooding the whole house.

“Mom,” the boy called but had no answer, that scared the kid, he hated being alone, he hated not getting an answer from his mom. He panicked and his asthma started to act up, and then the most horrible image came to his face, his mom floating in the blood, wearing everything white and flowers on her hands as she floated, looking pale, dead, just dead.


The 17 year old Chanyeol stood up as sweat ran down his body, as he slammed his hand on the alarm to shut it up. He wiped the sweat from his face and body as he panted getting his inhaler, “Another nightmare,” he thought “it was just a nightmare.”

He dragged himself out of the bed as he made his way to the bathroom turning on the water as he took a warm shower to calm himself from the nightmare he had just had, it had been 9 years since his mother’s death, since the time when he was left alone with nothing, yet he never stopped smiling, his mother always told him “Smile, that in this world everything happens for a reason, smile, that you don’t need money to be happy, all it takes is a smile, that’s all.” And that’s how the boy would keep on going with his life, with a smile, for him, everything was possible.

Chanyeol yawned as he got his new uniform and let out a sigh as he walked to the little sanctuary he had for his mom, he sat down and smiled as he put on the blaze r to his jacket looking at himself on the mirror as he closed his eyes.

“Guess what mom?” He said in a whisper “I got into a rich school with a full scholarship for my last year in high school.”

The boy opened his eyes as he looked at his mother’s picture with sadness written all over his face. “I wish you were here,” Chanyeol said in a soft whimper almost cry as he stood up bowing. “Well I'm off.” Chanyeol took his stuff as he made his way out of his house putting on his earphones and snuggled on his red scarf as he walked to the train station, to go to his new high school, Marry Anne Academy, a school for rich kids, a school Chanyeol didn’t belong to.

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