"Babe, I'm freaking out here! I'm 16 and that means its legal for me to do IT and i havent so much as been kissed!" i yelled, pasing about my bedroom infront of my best friend Coral.
"Ugh... Calm down, hun. All your pasing is making me dizzy!"
She's a bit of a blonde bimbo but i'd never tell her that! She's the one that the boys want. If a boy came up to me and asked for a number its would probably Coral's they were after!
I stopped infront of her and collapsed onto the floor.
"I need an extremo make-over, babe!"
"ooh!" She squealed. "I'm good at those!"
"Yeah i know. We need a plan! A list!"
I stood up again and grabbed my notepad and a pencil. I headed a page with " Total Bad-Ass Make-over "
and then looked up at Coral.
"number one...... Always wear make-up. Always have atleast a lip-gloss and a mascara on you at all times" I suggested and Coral nodded her head then tapped her chin while i noted it down.
"Always make time to perfect your hair in the mornings even if it means getting up at five in the morning!" giggled Coral. I nodded and wrote that down too.
"What suits me better," I said. "Curled or straightened?"
"Ohh...... Defo straightened!"
Damn it.... I hoped she would've said curled because my hair is naturally curled which would have meant less work in the mornings.... Oh well.
"number three...... Always jog around the block twice before school" I said, grabbing hold of my flabby stomache, making Coral giggle whilst twisting a lock of her golden hair.
"number 4...... Always shop in boutique's not charity shops because it will help with your guy problem" Coral replied, jumping off the bed and chucking my panda sweater at me.
"Good one!" i said, flicking away the sweater like it was a bug.
"And the last one for now..... number 5 will be..... Always walk with confidence. Shoulders back, breasts out and teeny tiny bit of bum out!" I said, laughing.
"Yeah! Guys dig that, babe!" Coral reassured me.
I've always been a part of the "It Girls" but i never really fitted in. I was only a part because of Coral! But not now! I'm going to earn my right to be sitting with them in the lunch hall and strut down the hallway as if it were a catwalk.
I'm gonna knock their socks off!
Thanks for reading, Guys[:
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