Chapter 5

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We sat there looking at Drake until he finnally spoke, "Okay, why did the Rinks attack mom and dad?" yeah, that was one thing that I was wondering too, now I wanted to hear the answer. I looked over at Rey and you could see he was thinking just by the expresion on his face.

Finnally he looked up and started talking, "They attacked because they were after you," he paused and i stoped chewing as soon as he said 'you'. "They want to capture you guys so they can convert you over to their side. I don't know why but they're really determined. That's why your parents wanted me to bring you here and train you over at the base, so you can take care of yourselves when I'm not around,"

"Wait, but they already trained us at home though," I interupt.

"Yes, but those were just the basics, and since you're not normal humans, we need you to learn how to use your abilities to become stronger against the enemy," he took a big bite out of his stake. I, personally, was thrilled about the idea. Fighting monsters with both my human AND werewolf abilities, maybe they'll throw in a couple of blades and knives in for me too. But Drake didn't look too amazed at the idea yet. Maybe the encounter with the Rink, you know the little girl that Rey killed in the begining, got him thinking about what he wants to risk. I guess Rey might have noticed Drake's face too because he said, "You know Rinks can take any form they want, even your's. So don't be fooled by them,"

"Isn't there a way to tell the difference?" Drake asked.

Rey nods, "Si, they always have a black star on the back of their neck. That's also their main week point so if you get in a fight with one, go for it,"

All this talk about fighting and killing is making my head hurt as well as getting me excited. I figured i already finished my plate, might as well go find a room to rest in now, "Excuse me, I'mma go find my room now, I'm really exauhsted," I tell both of them.

"Yeah it's pretty late isn't it? I guess I should go too," Drake says.

"Alright don't worry about your plates, I'll take care of them," Rey told us.

"Thanks," I tell him, "for everything." he just smiles back and I know he's saying 'you're welcome.' "C'mon Drake, let's go," I say putting my arm around his shoulder.

We walk all around and when Drake finally finds a room he fall's in love with he tells me he's gonna stay there. I couldn't blame him for choosing it, it was filled with guns, his favorite weapons. "Alright bro, be careful with those things alright?" I said jokingly.

He laughed and said, "Don't worry I'll try not to," and he steped into his room, I turned to walk away but then I heard him say, "Lyco!"

I turned around, "Yeah?"

"What ever happens from here on out, I just want you to know..." he paused for a bit looking down at the tile floor. I heard a tear drop splatter on it, he steped closer to me and gave me a huge bear hug. I didn't know what to do, I was caught by surprise. So I just hugged him back. "I... I want you to know that you'll always be my little brother and that I'd give my life for you." I guess that was a less awkward way to say 'I love you' to a brother but it still had all the meaning those three words ment.

I got a little emotional at that moment too so i couldn't help but cry too. My throught felt like it was clogged up so all I managed to say was, "Thank you," but then talking came easier so I continued, "Just take care of yourself too so I wont have to save your sorry ass again," I finished with a smile. We stayed like that for a bit longer until he finnally pulled away.

"Good night brother," he said with eyes red from tears.

"Good night," I replied whiping a tear from my cheek. He went back into his new room and I walked away to find mine. All I could think of was that moment with Drake, as if we might never see each other again. But given our situation right now, You ever know what might happen so it was good to have that talk and long hug. I walked and walked while opening doors until I found the perfect room. Knives, swords, axes, any weapon that has was sharp was in there and right on top of the bed was a painting of a wolf howling to the beautiful full moon. This is my place, I thought. So I hopped on the bed and fell almost right asleep, although I wish I didn't, because that night was full of nightmares.

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