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CAROLINE'S POV: My room was very big with whitewalls with a black design on the wall next to my bed. I had a queen size memory foam bed with a gray bedspread. My bed was full of throw pillows of all different shapes and sizes. I had a large white fur rug made in Italy that covered most of my floor. All of my furniture was black. I had a Black suede couch pushed up against one of my walls. I also have a big walk-in closet. I had strung white Christmas lights all around the top of my walls. On my wall above my couch I had a picture wall covering he whole wall.

SOPHIA'S POV: My room was also big with a walk in closet. My walls were white with paintings and pictures hanging from them. I had a small fur rug in front of my couch. My bed was a queen with a black bed spread. I had a Window across from my bed with black and white curtains. In the corner I had a white wood desk with a Mac desktop and a white chair. I had a chanel throw pillows on a chair in the corner. I also had other throw pillows on my bed. I had a chandler hanging from the center of my ceiling.

EVA'S POV: My room had white walls but was almost completely covered in posters and album covers. My bed spread was white with a few big pillows. I had a smaller walk in closet then everyone else but my room was bigger then everyone else's.

LELIA'S POV: My room was white just like everyone else. I had a tapestry hanging from my bed. It was a turquoise and purple with cool designs. I had a wall art henna hand with the words good vibes underneath. I had a pictures strung on a wire above my bed. I also had white Christmas lights above my bed. My bed spread was a light purple to match my tapestry 

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