Chapter one: The tribe

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On a clear summer day was a day like no other. Sky was finally old enough to go out into the world with out her Mama and Papa. Her mind raised as she took in the smells and the bright colors without her parents hovering over her. Man they were like one flea that bothered you every single moment of your day tell you finally rid of it. All she needed now was her human form and was released form there rule. The thought of that brought warmth to her body.

" What are you doing just standing there". Ron said pushing his little sister aside. Sky trembled and nearly lost her balance. She caught herself and saw Ron laughing

" If you think you can go into the world like that your going to need to inprove." He tensed and rose his behind targeting Sky. Sky took notice to this and made a dash to the open field. She can here him tauting her as she hides. She standing and blends in with the surroundings.

" Sky are you afraid what happened to the fierce little girl." He said loud and clear. Sky ponced on him nibbled on his ear.

" Die feel the raph of my um... teeth!!" She playfully bit him. Ron hollowed in defeat. His black shades of fur flashed with the sun above them. Sky smiled as he went limp and stuck his tongue out. She hopped off of him and looked up at the clear sky.

Everything seemed perfect from there on and there forth but then life happened. She was in rolled to fighting camp. She was a bit older then one years she was a teen now. It was time to learn how to really fight and defend yourself not the baby games as a pup. Being the smallest in the class and weakest didn't help ether. Her coach called her useless for her lack of attack and more hide. Sky was good at blinding in with her surroundings and slipping into tight spaces. One day she was forced to go against her own brother Ron.

Ron was at the top of the class being most strongest. He did lack in agility but he could bring almost anyone down.

" One two three go first one to go down wins"! The coach roared. Ron promised to go easy on her but his easy was charging right at her. Sky moved to the side quickly and tried to claw him but stumbled over. Obviously her class laughed. He turned over and bumped her to the ground. Ron pined her putting his full whight on hers. She used her back claws to kick him back a...centameter. She ran to the corner of the room and he chased her. He grabbed her tail and smacked her to the ground putting his paw on her head declaring victory.

"Now that's how you win a fight"! Coach howled. The class cheered from her brother. Sky lowered her ears and sat down. Why can't I just fight. She thought. As the coach was admiring Ron and his greatness Sky walked outside.

The sun was at a curve ready to start sunset. The field grass swayed in the wind. Leaves fell on Sky's head as she walked to the field. The wind was strong and pushed her fur back and forth in the field. She looked down at her paws then crunched them together. Rage filled inside her and ripped apart the grass. Dust flew by as she dug into the soil and grass flew in the wind. She laid down and closed her eyes. A droplet of water rushed down her cheek then a other and other tell she found herself weeping in the field.

No. She told herself. She needed to stop this she was unique and no one could tell her otherwise. Maybe fighting wasn't her style. Maybe if she used her strength her agility maybe she could become better. She stood up an ran threw the forest. After finding the perfect place to practice she ran up to the closest tree and tried pushing it down. It didn't even budge. Sky needed technical about this. She used her claws to scratch the surface of the trunk. She did this to hollow it out make it easier to push down. After a couple minutes she had it deep enough. Sky with all her might tried to push down the tree. It moved down a little bit. She did a different technique and tried bucking it down. Sky tured around and slammed her hind legs into the tree. The tree cracked but held its place. The leaves made huge piles of leaves as she bucked. She bucked one more time the tree slowly went down but not quite. New technique!! Sky backed away and ran to the tree jumped as high as she cold and slammed the tree. The hole thing collapsed.

Sky took a chance to breathe get some air into her lungs. Her paws hurt from the slamming and ached so much. A weird tingly feeling came across her and things got much cooler. She looked at herself and saw she has gained her human form. Glee washed over her as she stood up to get a good look at herself. Her skin color was tan like her fur and hair was dark brown like other shades of her fur. Sky's shirt was white tang top. Her top shirt was a side shirt that was baby blue shades. Her top shade was bright then as you go lower it got darker. Her shorts were black and silky. Sky's shoes were boots lined with baby blue and black.

This was prof of her determination. She got her human form before any one else in the class. That will be something to show. Now how to turn back. Sky wondered. She thought about how she looked like as a wolf. Sky blue eyes Brown shades of fur skinny small. At once she felt her body get warmer and she was on her four legs again. Now for the tree. She pushed it over to the middle. It was way bigger then she could have imagined. She set her paws for jumping over the huge thing. She took a running start lowered her hind legs and failed. She scrambled over the tree trunk and faceplamed the dirt. Sky looked up at the fading blue of the sky. Stars slowly took over and night was bound to come soon.

Sky ran back to her village and to her den. There dinner was being served. Ron and her parents looked over at her as she scrambled onto the food.

" Where were you young lady you had us worried sick". Her mother squawked. Sky diligently walked towards them head held high full of pride. " For a evening stroll". She replied. " Tell us next time or no dinner for you." Her father said. Ron frowned. " Are you alright"? He said kindly. " Better then alright actually"! Sky howled. " Really"? He commented. " What is there to be sad about when you gain a human form." Sky smiled. Ron stared at her for a while to see if she was joking or not. " Wanna see"? She laughed. He nodded and she tried to turn back. Come on how did I look. Sky thought. Boots with baby blue and black brown hair. She felt the tingle again and was human. Ron looked at her then himself. This went on for however long tell he howled out. " I new you were special I can't wait to see the reaction on Coaches face when he finds out you of all wolves got it first!!" He put his paw on hers and kindly said. " Eat up tomorrow is going to be a big day." He said warmly.

Ron wasn't lying it was packed full. After showing her human form she seemed to get a little more respect. She still sucked at fighting but each evening she practiced poncing and her reflects. Things seemed back in order again. Though she still was pushed to the limits by her coach things seemed easier until news of the alpha of there tribe was coming to see how strong they were. That led to the biggest mistake of Sky's life.

________Author note ________________

Heh heh next chapter you guys are gonna hate me heh heh if you already do cause of the cliff hanger your gonna hate me more

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