Chapter 2: The human in the shadows

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It was a stormy day when she heard the news. Wind whistled in the background and rain showered down. Lightning crackled and thunder boomed. But all that commotion didn't stop the unbelievable words coming from there coaches mouth. The Alpha of the pack is watching them fight. The coach explained that the strongest and most agile would be privately trained by himself. Everyone seemed to like this idea. It even caught Sky's ear. She could become better at fighting and be more like a real Wolf. It was time to go but Sky although it was pouring went to her training camp. She practiced pouncing and scratched trees. She needed to be ready for this.

Sky's ears perked up as sounds if crunching leaves cane to her. It was very fade in the harsh weather but she was very positive that she heard crunching leaves. She sniffed. All she smelled was the fresh smell of rain and mud. But a smell of human was there too.

Sky boldly puffed her chest and barked over the rain. " Who is there show your self"! A figure came from the bushes. A man with black hair that covered one eye amerged from the shadows. He wore a symbol of a cross and black clothing. He had some cloth over his mouth too. " Who are you"? Sky barked once more. " My name is Zane the high prest of O'kasis ( I have no idea how to spell it XD). " Zane said. O'kasis the name sounded very familiar. O'kasis it sounded so familiar it was scary. Sky shook off the thought. He was probably asking this because there village was hiden by magic and only way humans can enter is if a werewolf leads them to the right direction.

" Okay Zane from O'kasis what are you doing here?" Sky hollored still fighting the sound of the storm. " I am here to find a village a Wolf village that needs a boom of population. " He said holding a position. Something about this person gave her a very ominous feeling. Something in the tone of his voice that made her uneasy. " What's the catch"? Sky bellowed. He laughed a bit. " You must swear you up most loyalty to me." Sky didn't like this guy not at all. Even the way he walks gives you the creeps.

" My tribe doesn't need your assistance but thanks for the offer." Sky said as sincere as she could. This person was a being on power and she didn't want to get on his bad side. His eyes flickered and he snapped his fingers. Guards with white and red armor and helmets came from the bushes. " Tell me where your leader is." He firmly said. Fear over whelmed Sky. She trembled a bit but had to save her tribe. " No". Sky spat. The guards came racing to her with there sharp swords. Sky fought back the first two and was quickly overwhelmed. She was striked to the ground and they had a sword to the neck. Zane approached her. " Where is your tribe." Sky was shaking. The rain got into her cuts and stung. Sky felt the blade dig in to her skin. The sword percied her skin and ozing blood came. " South south of here". She cough out. He smirked and let his guards let her go.

" If you mention this to your tribe we will end you." Zane whispered into her ear. He sank into the shadows once more. Sky limped up and ran south. She went the long way in order to miss Zane. The rain seemed to be clearing up sents no more rain was coming down. When she got there Zane seemed to be talking with the leader. " Stop"! Sky barked. Zane looked at her and fire was in his eyes.

" Oh it's the wolf who led me here". He said. " Indeed... alpha do not trust this guy he attacked me." Sky gasped. Zane looked close to just killing her striking her down. " If this is true then I have to say pass." The alpha said. Zane laughed." Do you know who I am ? I and the high prest of O'kasis one of the strongest villages in this region, we could wipe you out in a second"! He bursted. " Heh your just a human and a idiot now leave before I end you." The alpha smirked. Zane smiled and his guards came from the tree. The alpha howled for the fighters to come and all like that they clashed.

Werewolves have anger issues and Zane just activated the anger. Sky needed to get out of the battle field before she got any more hurt. She sprang to her den to find her family. Instintly she found Ron who's face was filled with concern. " What happened"!?! He howled. " Ron this human is attacking us"! Sky barked. His face was percied with anger. " How did he find us"? He asked. Sky lowered her head and lowered her head. " It was my fault I had-". She got cut off by her brother. " Why in the name of Irene Would YOU DO THAT Wolves could be dieing because of you". He roared. Ron never got angry like that never.

" I-I'm sorry I-I was over powered." Sky frowned. " This is why you need to protect yourself then none of this would have happened, you need to stop being a weakling and learn to be a Warewolf"! He spat.

This struck Sky down hard. Her brother who was always there for her just said she was nothing, just a sprout. He left her to help fight. He was strong but not that strong. She looked behind her and there was a battlefield. She needed to find him before he got hurt. She pounced away. She ran straight into a guard who tried stabbing her. That reflects practice because she moved right out of the way. She threw dirt right in his face. Sky smirked and ran off.

" Ron, Ron where are you"! Sky barked. She tried to find him but it seemed useless. A sharp pain came to the side of her flank. The world went green and fuzzy. She saw Ron stand in place to save her. He looked to be fighting off someone. But the stinging pain in her side was overwhelming. It hurt so much. The world turned black.

Sky woke up with the moon high in the sky. Everything hurt. Her body was twisted around surrounded by human body's and wolves. Once realizing there dead Sky ran off. There were no wolves around not even a spot. " Hello any one here". Sky softly barked. Seven nasty looking wolves who look like her tribe apeared. " This is all your falt". One of them growled. The other witch look like the leader look at her stared into her soul like a gost.

" You did this to our tribe now you must pay". He said barring his teeth. These wolves must have lost there common sense. Sky ran off. She heard there paws following her. What has she done.

______Authors note_________

Heh heh I told you heh heh

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