Jason/Ryan: A Chance Meeting

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Jason's P.O.V.
I was walking down the 3rd Street promenade when it happened. I heard the most beautiful voice. I followed the voice to a large crowd that was gathered around a guy playing a guitar and singing for tips. He seemed to have made a few dollars. As he finished the song he was performing. Everyone began clapping and the crowd started dying down. I walked up to the guy and dropped a $10 in his guitar case. "Thanks, dude!" He exclaimed. "No problem. You're an amazing performer." I say. "Well, I gotta get going." He said packing up his equipment. "Okay. Well, I hope I can see you perform again." I say, shaking his hand. He returned the gesture. "I'm playing at the rock music club later, tonight on 6th." He said, handing me a business card that read: 'Ryan Briggs. Singer. Guitarist. Boyfriend Material'. Cheeky. I like that. "Well, Ryan, maybe I'll stop by and watch the show." And with that, he turned and walked down the street before turning a corner. I walked back home to get ready for a fun night.

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