King Ben/Jay/Carlos de Vil (AU)

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It's been over a year since Maleficent's attack on Auradon and things couldn't be better for Carlos de Vil. He's getting straight A's in all of his classes. His friendship with the other VKs and the AKs was tight knit. He had a dog that followed him around and loved him to pieces. He had his boyfriend, Jay, whom he loved as much as Dude. The annual Neon Lights Ball was happening next month and everyone in Auradon was beyond excited. Well, everyone but King Ben, but that was because there was so much planning. He was beyond tired of trying to help the dance committee.

Mal had broken up with him a few months before after realizing her feelings for Evie. Carlos and Jay comforted Ben after he had shown up at their dorm, crying. Both boys had listened as he told them what had happened. They comforted him when he accidentally came out to them as bisexual. He had been afraid to tell anyone. The breakup with Mal was the straw that broke the camel's back. Their was no backlash from the people of Auradon. His parents had always known he liked boys, as well as girls. Jay and Carlos went to visit Ben in his dorm. It was a weekly thing that the three boys would do.

Chad would constantly tease Ben about it. But Ben knew he was just kidding. Especially since Chad and Jay were the best of friends. When they started hanging out, Carlos became jealous. He began to think that Jay was cheating on him with Chad. Ben had to separate Jay and Carlos after an argument between the two of them. Carlos spent the night in Ben's dorm. That was when Carlos began to develop feelings for Ben. He felt awful but he told Jay once they had made up. Jay was understanding, because he had also developed feelings for the young king.

A couple of weeks before the Neon Lights Ball, Jay had an idea. He explained everything to Carlos and Carlos agreed. Now, they had to talk it over with Mal and Evie. That night before they went to hang out with Ben, they told the girls about Jay's idea. Ben was surprised when Jay had asked him if he'd want to be both Carlos and his date to the Neon Lights Ball. "Um... I don't know what to say." He replied, thinking it over. "Don't you want to go with each other since you two are boyfriends?" He asked. Jay explained that both him and Carlos had feelings for the king and wanted to know if maybe he'd want to be in a relationship with them. Ben immediately went silent. Carlos looked at Jay nervously and bit his lip. A few seconds later, Ben finally spoke. "I'd love to go to the Neon Lights Ball with you two. And I'd love to be your boyfriend." Jay and Carlos smiled wildly and gave Ben a kiss on both sides of his face. Ben blushes brightly as he gave Carlos and Jay a kiss on the cheek.

The Neon Lights Ball was in full swing when Jay and Carlos arrived. They saw Jane and Lonnie dancing together. They saw Chad, Doug, Audrey and Jordan chatting away. They even saw Evie and Mal slow dancing at one point. Suddenly, the music stopped and Ally stepped up to the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen. Please put your hands together for the King of the Neon Lights Ball, Ben." The crowd clapped and cheered. Ally continued, "And now the Queen of the Neon Lights Ball, Mal." The crowd gasped. Mal walked into the stage and stood next to Ben, awkwardly. Ben then began to speak. "Thank you all for voting for us. But Mal and I will not be doing the spotlight dance together. Mal will be doing the spotlight dance with Evie" the crowd smiled and clapped. Ben hugged Mal and she gave him a kiss on his cheek to show her thanks. She walked off the stage and joined hands with Evie. The music for the spotlight dance started and the two girls began to dance.

Ben walked offstage and up to Carlos and Jay. He handed Carlos a rose and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Ben then gave Jay a carnation, as well as a kiss on the cheek. The two boys thanked Ben for their flowers and kissed his cheek, before bowing. Ben bowed as well and then took turns dancing with Carlos and Jay. Carlos and Jay also danced with each other while Ben watched from a distance. He was very happy that he had agreed to be Carlos and Jay's boyfriend. He couldn't be happier and was thankful that his parents were okay with him dating two guys. But then again, Auradon was the land of happily ever after and Ben finally felt like he got his.

After the dance had ended, Ben, Carlos and Jay headed back to Ben's dorm. They were planning on hanging out since the Mal, Evie and some of the AKs were having a sleepover. Ben was a little nervous because he knew that Jay and Carlos had sex before. He wanted to fool around but definitely not go all the way. Jay and Carlos must have read his mind, because Jay told him that they weren't expecting him to have sex with them tonight. That they would be willing to wait until he knew he was ready to take that step. "Jay an I haven't had sex since we all became boyfriends." Carlos chimed in, much to Ben's surprise. He blushed, embarrassingly, looked down and mumbled a 'thank you.' "Do you guys want to watch some tv? There's a Auradon Roadshow marathon on." Ben asked as he got up to go to the en suite bathroom to change into his pajamas. Jay and Carlos said that it was okay. After the three boys took turns changing into their pajamas, they sat on the king's massive bed and watched tv.

They fell asleep about 2 am and when they woke up the next morning, Carlos and Jay noticed that Ben had an erection. They smirked at each other and gently shook Ben awake. Ben's eyes opened and saw that the three of them had fallen asleep in his bed. "Did you have a good dream?" Jay teased. Ben looked at him clearly confused. Jay then nodded his head downward and Ben looked. He immediately went beet red after seeing that he had an erection. He apologized profusely. Carlos and Jay calmed him, saying it was okay. That they weren't going to make a big deal out of it.

After the three boys changed out of their pajamas, they headed down to the cafeteria. They met up with Mal, Evie and the AKs from the sleepover and got in line to get their breakfast. After everyone got their food, they all sat down and started chatting about the next party that was happening later in the week. Life was good. But then again this was Auradon, life would always be good

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