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The Joker and Mayor King tumbled from the balcony, their bodies somersaulting as they plummeted down from the seventieth floor of the hotel. Batman reached out with one hand as he raced through the open air after them. The Joker's maniacal laughter was all Batman could hear, the lights from the windows of the hotel flickered past them as they fell, the search lights from the police's hover units circled around wildly as they tried to follow the three's decent.

"TERRY!" Lillian yelled over the com. Her voice rung in Terry's ear. But Terry didn't respond. His teeth were clinched tight, his arm stretched out more his fingers gaining ground on the Mayor's leg which was kicking as she screamed. The Joker's mouth was wide as he cackled in what could be taken for as delight. He released his hold on the Mayor as they fell, which Terry took advantage of.

Batman's thrusters on his boots lit up for a moment causing him to lurch closer to the Mayor. Mayor King's screams drowned out the sadistic laughter from the Joker as Batman grabbed hold of her leg with one hand. He reached behind him to his waist with his free hand, a small compartment opened and he pulled out a small square box. Batman pulled himself down towards the mayor,stealing a quick glance beyond her to the ground that was steadily approaching. He slapped the box against the Mayor's stomach, and with the impact two bands shot out from each side and circled around the mayor. Batman let go and pushed her to the side as from the front of the small box shot a grappling hook which rocketed back towards the balcony above them, trailing a wire behind it. Terry narrowed his eyes behind the mask as he ignited the thrusters on his boots again,propelling himself even faster downward.

The Joker had stopped tumbling in the air and was facing up towards Batman as he fell. He was still laughing as he raised his revolver up aiming it at Batman who was quickly closing the distance between them. Batman spun to the side dodging as the Joker fired wildly up at him. Batman's right shoulder flung back as a bullet struck him from the high caliber handgun. Terry yelled out from behind the mask as he surged forward again, tackling the Joker in the air like a football player. The two tumbled head over feet as they fell. Batman got a quick glance at the ground which was growing alarmingly close, he could see the street filled with police vehicles their red and blue lights flashing as the two large searchlights from the police units hovering high above moved randomly over the cars and officers below.

"OH you just couldn't do it could you!" The Joker said between his hysterical laughter.

"Shut up!" Batman yelled back at him. The glide wings from Batman's suit thrust out from his sides. The slowed instantly as they caught the wind, Batman righted them in the air and he looked down. Terry's eyes widened behind the helmet,as they had slowed but he didn't know if it was going to be enough.

The windows of the police car shattered, the glass fragments spraying and bouncing out across the asphalt. The beads of glace glistening in the air as they flew from the car as the roof caved in under the force as Batman and the Joker landed on top of it.

Commissioner Deckard shielded his face with his arm from the glass as it belted against his body. He lowered his arm slowly, his eyes narrowed on the police cruiser as the searchlights from above circled around it before they focused in on their target.

"Son of a bitch..." Deckard said under his breath as he watched. He took a step towards the car and paused. From the mangled wreckage Batman slowly rose, standing tall on top of the car... his right hand holding the Joker by the collar of his shirt, lifting his shoulders off the roof of the car. The Joker's arms fell down to his side and his head fell back limply, but the constant stream of maniacal laughter flowed from his open mouth. A dozen police officers slowly closed in on the car their automatic weapons raised, the glowing red dots from the laser sights bounced and danced across the car and over Batman. Batman's eyes scanned the police officers then fell on Deckard.

Batman Beyond: Trials - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now