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Terrysunk into the chair at the main console in the bat cave. He ran hishand through his black hair and looked at the monitor as it cycledthrough surveillance footage from Arkham Asylum, and all trafficcamera's for a five block radius around the bridge leading to Gotham.The computer was running facial recognition, searching for the Joker.But if Terry's theory was right... The Joker had 'worn' Clayface as adisguise and they simply walked out of the Asylum and into the city.

"Stillno luck Sir." Alfred said somberly.

"Keeplooking...maybe we'll get lucky." Terry said sighing... he lookedover as he heard footsteps on the platform beside them.

Lillianstood on the next to the one he was on, the floor split open aroundher as the robotic arms raised from the ceiling holding the pieces ofher armor, preparing to assemble the suit around her.

"Whatare you doing?" He asked as he stood up quickly walking over toher.

"Gettingout there... we're going to catch him again." Lillian said indetermination. Terry put a hand on her shoulder as he reached her.

"Lillian..."He said looking into her eyes. "We will... it'll be dawn in a fewhours. If we're going to get him, we need to be on our game... andrested."

Shelooked at him for a moment, and nodded her head slightly.

"You'reright..." Lillian stepped back and the robotic arms holding herarmor descended back into the platform. He pulled her into himhugging her.

"Goget ready for bed, I'll be there shortly." He said kissing herforehead. Lillian smiled and patted him on the chest before sheturned walking to the elevator that would lead her up to the mainlounge on their side of the mansion.

Terrystood watching her leave before he returned to the desk and sat down,looking back to the computer screens.

"Sir."Alfred said after a long silence between the two.


"Backto something more cheerful...Do you have any ideas on how to makeyour engagement official?" The little blue man asked with asmile.

Terrythought for a few mintutes on this and smiled.

"Themid summer fundraiser thing is tomorrow isn't it?" Terry asked.

"Ibelieve so Sir...let me check... indeed it is Sir."

"I'llmake some reservations for after..." Terry said leanng back andstretching his arms above his head. "I need to take my ownadvice or I'll be sleeping through the production."

"Goodidea Sir."

Thesun was high sky in it's midday position. The grounds of Wayne maorwas full of laughter and the sound of children playing. The childrenthat called the mansion home were spending the day outside taking inthe warm summer day.

"Comeon Timmy!" Shouted a little girl as she stood on a second baseof the small baseball field set at the edge of the grounds. Standingon the pitchers mound was a tall young boy named Gabe holding a bigred ball in his hands. He took a step and rolled the ball as hard ashe could along the ground towards homeplate.

Timmystood ready, his face full of determination as the ball came racingtowards him. He swung his skinny leg as hard as he could, with a loudTWANG of a sound the ball took flight sailing over the kids in theinfields heads. There were cheers from the group of kids who stoodwatch as the girl on second and Timmy ran the bases. Standing in themiddle of the outfield furthest from homeplate was a little boy namedWilliam, he reached up pushing his glasses further up his nose as helooked up at the ball that was coming right at him.

Batman Beyond: Trials - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now