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"Hey guys, this is Freya," Anna said. Zoe and Alfie both got up to come and hug me and Nala came over and started sniffing me. I put my bag down gently and started playing with Nala. Eventually I tired her out so I gave her to Alfie. Tyler Oakley then walked in the room and saw me, and he came and gave me a hug.

Emilia came running over to me and hugged my legs, giggling. I bent down and picked her up and spun her around. This made her giggle histerically. John, Anna, Zoe and Alfie were laughing at this. John, took out their vlogging cameras and started filming.

"so we got home and Freya has met Zalfie and Emilia and Nala and the dogs, now its time for her to meet Wardo," he said to the camera while filming me and Emilia. I put her down and she ran over to Zoe.

Wardo started walking over to me, looking sleepy although it was only 5pm. Once he was right in front of me, he reached his arms out to me and made an adorable face, clearly wanting to be picked up. I picked him up and placed him on my hip. Immediatley he started snuggling into my chest, trying to hide himself from the three cameras.

"Sissy?" he mumbled questioningly, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Yeah buddy im your new sister" i told him. he cuddled up in my arms and sat there dazedly.

"Looks like Wardo loves her already," Alfie said to his camera. By now the movie had ended and Anna had turned the TV off. Anna asked us what we should to before dinner and Alfie suggested that Zoe and Tyler do another Disney Challenge.

"Just warning you if we do, I'm clearly going to win," Tyler said sassily.

"Sorry dude, but if i was playing i would totally win. I am the ultimate Disney fan. I have seen tons of Disney films, have tons of Disney clothing and bags-" i said holding uo my stitch bag"- i have a stitch onesie and a stitch phone case, and I know most disney songs" i told him. Alfie, John, Anna and Zoe were all watching this, amused. Emelia had started running off to get a toy to play with Nala.

Eventually i sat down on the couch because my legs were tired from standing up. Wardo was now fully awake from his little nap.

"How about Freya is the special guest in the video and plays the music and takes score?" John suggested.

Tyler and Zoe agreed to this and we started filming.

"Hey guys, its tyler here and today we are doing anothr disney challenge as part of zoes vlog. We have a special guest here, the newest addition to the sacconejoly family, Freya!" the camera showed me and Wardo and we both waved.

"She also has an assistant who is Eduardo. By now you guys should know how the game works but for those who dont i will put the rules in the description. lets begin" Zoe said.

Wardo helped me choose the songs and keep score. In the end Zoe won by two points.

"So tyler and zo have just finished a disney challenge and Zoe won. Its now six o clock and we re about to start watching Home Alone 3. We have ordered to backyard buckets from KFC(i dont know if they have those in england) and they will be delivered. John and Anna have just told us that Freya has an incredible singing voice so we are choosing a disney song for her to sing," Alfie vlogged but i cut him off,

" I can also imitate peoples voices," I told him.

"Is there anything you cant do?" Anna asked me jokingly.

Eventually they decided on I wont say im in love from hercules.

if theres a prize for rotten judgement
i guess ive already won that
no man is worth the aggravation
thats ancient history, been there
done that.

Zoe and Alfje looked at me with wide eyes. Alfie turned his camera to face him and said...

"oh my god, give this video a hug thumbs up if you think that she needs to get a recording contract and start a youtube channel."

We started watching the movie and were up to were the bad guys try to get ino his house the pranking begins when the doorbell rung, signalling dinner was here. John got up and paid for the food and we went into te kitchen to start dinner. As everything was being dished out i asked John and Anna if i could talk to them in the lounge room for a minute. I put Eduardo in his seat, promising id be right back when he started reaching for me again.

They followed me into the lounge and asked me what i wanted to talk about.

"Is it alright if i call you mum and dad?" i question nervously. They looked at me with tears forming in their eyes.

"Of course sweetheart" anna said as they both pulled me into a hug.

The three of us went into the kitchen where i sat next to Wardo after getting some food. We talked until dinner was over and went and finished the movie. Zalfie and Nala had to go after the movie, we said goodbye and i grabbed my things and followed Mum up to my room.

It seemed that before adopting me they had asked what my interests were because there were Harry Potter bedsheets on the bed.(photo above is just the design, colour is purple.)My bed was sunken into the wall instead of just being in front of the wall. She left me to get into my pajamas which was just a tank top and pj pants. i was setting up all of my technology and my chargers when Mum came in and asked if i could get Wardo ready for bed because he kept saying he wanted me.

I went into Wardo's room to see him squirming around while Dad was trying to change him. Dad saw me and asked me to get him ready for bed. As soon as Wardo saw me he stopped squirming.

"Well arent you just a cheeky little guy," I cooed. He let me get him dressed and i took him into the main bathroom so we could brush our teeth. Emelia was already in there.
We brushed our teeth and went to say goodnight to mum and dad. The three of us walked into Emelias room where i tucked her in and said goodnight. Wardo and i then went to his room where i picked him up and layed him down in his crib.

Wardo was sleepy but asked me to sing to him.

stay awake, dont rest your head
dont lie down upon your bed
while the moon drifts in the sky
stay awake, dont close your eyes

though the world is fast asleep
though your pillows soft and deep
your not sleepy as you seem
stay awake, dont nod and dream

stay awake
dont nod
and dream.

Wardo was now asleep so i pulled his blanket up slightly and turned to leave the room. In the doorway i saw mum and dad standing there smiling at me, dad with his vlogging camera.

"time to go to bed friends, Freya say it with me, goodnight friends" dad said and i joined in for the lastpart.

i gave mum and dad a hug and said goodnight before going to bed.

This has been the best day of my life so far.

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